October 12, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Jasen Obermeyer
Mono Council is asking Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) to do a noise management study and consult the public concerning an enclosed picnic pavilion, before it considers granting an exemption to the Town site plan agreement.
The decision came at Tuesday’s (Oct. 9) meeting. The intended structure at the east border of the Island Lake Conservation Area is an unserviced enclosed picnic pavilion, 36 feet by 61 feet – a total of 2196 square feet – for day use and special permit uses associated with regular park programming, including: summer camps, the Maple Syrup program, Credit River Métis programs, school outdoor education programs, weddings and picnics, charity walks/runs, and corporate group events.
Bill Lidster, CVC’s manager of conservation parks, told council the structure is to be set back 300 feet from the nearest lot line on Blue Heron Drive, with an existing buffer of mature hardwood forest between the pavilion area site and the nearest property. Construction of the pavilion would begin in late fall or early winter, and be completed in time for the 2019 Maple Syrup program in late March or early April.
“One of our concerns is the notifications we’ve been getting from people in the last 24 hours,” said Mono Mayor Laura Ryan, noting that several residents in the area complained they could still hear noise through the forest.
“There’s something missing here,” added Councillor Ralph Manktelow, suggesting to Mr. Lidster that he meet with the residents, hear their concerns, and possibly get some ideas. “They think their road is going to become a parking lot.”
Council decided against approving an exemption for the Town site plan agreement until CVC completes a noise management study and undertakes public consultation concerning the pavilion.
Council also approved a request by Headwater Streams Committee (HSC) for a $700 grant to a pilot project to eradicate or control invasive Phragmites.
The project involves selecting several ponds where HSC members performed pond-check visits this past summer. Landowners will be asked if they would be willing to work with HSC volunteers on the pilot project to see if it is possible to eradicate, or at least control, the Phragmites.
The Invasive Phragmites, also known as the European Common Reed, is a plant that’s causing damage to Ontario’s biodiversity, wetlands, and ecosystems, and its native home is Eurasia. An aggressive plant that spreads quickly and out-competes native species for water and nutrients, it releases toxins from its roots into the soil to hinder the growth of surrounding plants and kill them.
The committee indicated that this pilot project may run for several years, and they may have to return to Council to request more money.