May 20, 2021 · 0 Comments
By Peter Richardson
Mono’s virtual Town Hall event on May 7 saw residents bring a number of concerns forward.
Resident, Joe Wilson submitted a request to know why Mono had not updated its noise by-law regarding stationary sources of noise to meet current standards. The answer was that with the current COVID-19 situation, things are somewhat slow but that a new guideline is available and the issue could be brought back to Council.
Carrie Holland asked what was going to be done about the local increase in crime, light pollution coming from businesses on Highway 9 and when a traffic signal was going to be installed to control the traffic coming from French Drive.
Mike Dunmore, Mono’s director of Public Works said that a study had been conducted and that there was no warrant for a traffic light at the location, but noted that the issue was still part of the Town’s current development charges study.
He also said that he would like to talk with the respondent about what traffic she was referring to, commercial or residential from the 1st Line homes. If it was the latter, they should be using the 1st Line traffic light onto Highway 9 and not the commercial access.
As for crime, the Deputy Mayor John Creelman stated that it is an ongoing issue and although not as bad as it once was, the OPP have been asked to patrol the Town more frequently and it is on their radar.
With the matter of light pollution, Mayor Laura Ryan, said that the dealerships were under the Town’s dark sky lighting provisions and CAO Mark Early said that any site plan agreement was subjected to a lighting review as part of the application.
He said all lights were full cut off and no light trespass came from those properties. He suggested that perhaps it was buildings that have not gone through the site plan process. Mark also noted that it was an MTO mandate to not have any light trespass on a provincial highway.
Later in the meeting, Anthony Hosein asked about speeding and road condition issues along the Mono/Adjala Townline.
Deputy Mayor John Creelman said that the issue had been discussed at the Police Services Board meetings from the standpoint of it being a joint problem of the Dufferin Detachment and Nottawasaga OPP. He was uncertain if anything had been done, but it had been discussed a number of times.
Regarding road conditions, Mike Dunmore said that Council had been informed of the recommendations put forward by Public Works and had been following them slowly within budget restrictions. As for the conditions themselves, he said they had not been identified by Anthony, but Public Works attended to road conditions as they develop.
A resident asked what could be done about the noise motorcycles on Hockley Road? Deputy Mayor Creelman answered, motorcycles were perhaps the most difficult to apprehend and the OPP was aware of the problem. They are attempting to deal with it and are having difficulties because of provincial legislations.
Coun. Ralph Manktelow said that it was a problem with no solution. The police will not pursue a motorcycle, it is just too dangerous.
At this point there were no further questions and the Mayor turned the floor over to the Deputy Mayor Creelman to discuss internet in Mono and spoke with Coun. Manktelow to inform residents of the new parking regulations surrounding Mono Cliffs Provincial Park. Following which, the rather highly successful Town Hall, was adjourned.