April 20, 2023 · 0 Comments
Weight restrictions have been removed from Mono’s municipal bridges.
The decision was made during council’s regular meeting on Apr. 11.
Mike Dunmore, the town’s public works director, said quite a few bridges have been replaced over the last few years. And, quite simply, bylaws restricting weight on bridges and culverts can be repealed.
Over the years, based on guidance from the town engineer, bylaws were passed to impose weight restrictions on a number of municipal bridges. The dates of these bylaws span from 1978 to 2000.
Each of the affected bridges has been rehabilitated or replaced since the passing of these bylaws and no longer requires load restrictions.
The repeal of the bylaws does not affect temporary weight restrictions that may be imposed, such as the seasonal half-load limit.
Dunmore said there’s annual maintenance on all structures and assets. The bylaws were put in place as the assets began to degrade.
Councillor Melinda Davie said it’s not that the bridge is more robust than it was previously. It’s that the load limits were to protect the bridge until work could be done to shore it up.
Davie said she has a “bee in her bonnet” about the reserves, and the town could have a bridge in the future that would require load restrictions.
She questioned whether all weight limits should be removed or those that pertain to specific bridges.
Fred Simpson, the town’s clerk, said the bylaw would have to be amended to name the specific bridges affected by the repeal.
“We’ve done a lot of research and the list of bylaws went from three to what you’ve got there: Over 20,” Simpson said. “We’re reasonably confident but we don’t want to end up in a position of jeopardy in the future.”