
Mono makes changes to dog bylaw

February 1, 2024   ·   0 Comments


Owners of livestock guard dogs in Mono will have to pay a little more for a dog not spayed or neutered.

And just because they’re working animals on a farm, owners aren’t exempt from the single property’s three-dog limit.

“But there is a provision for seeking an exemption,” said Fred Simpson, Mono’s clerk.

Owners can apply to have more than three dogs on a property, and that application will go before the town council for consideration.

Owners of a livestock guardian dog that’s spayed or neutered will pay a $20 fee per dog. The fee will be $30 per dog that isn’t spayed or neutered.

“This draft has in it the exact same fees as we charge for any other dogs,” Simpson said.

Town council discussed the changes to the municipal dog bylaw during its regular meeting on Jan. 30.

Councillor Ralph Manktelow suggested the amended legislation include a definition that explains the difference between personal guard dogs and livestock guardian dogs.

As it is, there may be a little confusion, he said.

Coun. Melinda Davie said a guard dog protects a property or household. A livestock guardian dog is already described in the latest bylaw draft.

“I think in the (bylaw) definitions, it’s already there,” she said.

“The bylaw currently has a definition for a guard dog,” Simpson said. “It has one for guide dog. And we will be adding a definition for livestock guardian dog.”

“I’m aware of that,” Manktelow said. “And I think they’re inadequate.”

“The definitions?” Simpson said.

“Yeah, because a guard dog is defined as a dog that’s left unattended for any portion of the day,” Manktelow said.

“On a commercial or industrial property,” Simpson said.

“But a guard dog can also be present on a private property,” Manktelow said.

“Not according to our (bylaw),” Simpson said. “So that would be a change to the bylaw.”

Simpson said he agreed with Manktelow that some other amendments to the dog bylaw may be required.

“Council had requested that we only at this time address livestock guardian dogs,” Simpson said. “So council may want to have this bylaw undergo a more comprehensive review.”

Mayor John Creelman asked if council wanted to proceed with amendments that deal specifically with livestock guardian dogs or defer the mater for a whole bylaw rewrite.

“I think we need to look at this in terms of priority,” said Coun. Elaine Capes. “The priority was to address the livestock guardian dogs. Let’s do that. If at some time down the road, somebody wants to bring the idea that we need to review the entire dog bylaw, then we should.”

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