
Mono Council moves forward on parkland needs study

April 23, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Jasen Obermeyer

After holding three public meetings on the subject of parkland needs in March, Mono’s recreational department will now meet with the study’s consultant to discuss where new recreation infrastructure building or renovation is best for the town’s seven parks.

The meetings were designed for the public to give input to Monteith Brown Planning Consultants on what they would like to see put into the parks. Over 30 people attended the meetings, and over 200 people filled out an online survey.

“They were able to talk with the consultants directly, as to their reasons why they wanted to see things go on,” said Kim Perryman, Mono’s director of recreation.

She noted that the need for trail developments that are inclusive of bikes and additional tennis courts were two things that really stuck out during those meetings.

Ms. Perryman described the meetings as very successful. “The people that came out certainly gave the consultants lots of ideas, certainly told them their concerns about different infrastructure going on in different parks. It was a really good opportunity for the residents to come out and voice their opinions.”

She explained that going forward the town will meet with the consultants on April 19 to further discuss the study. “We’re going to take them around and do a full park tour so they can actually see these parks and the layout, and the land that’s involved, and they’ll get a better idea of things that can happen at these parks.”

After the park tour, Ms. Perryman said, Monteith Brown would then accumulate the data and information from the tour and the meetings. “They’re going to sit down and write a draft plan as to what they would suggest goes on in each of the parks, in the short and long term.”

A final report is expected to be completed by the end of June, and to be brought to the last council meeting of the month.

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