
Mono Council looks into parkland developments

December 7, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Jasen Obermeyer

Mono Council has requested a study to assist in assessing the overall parkland in the town, to see where potential infrastructure building or renovating is best.

At this past Tuesday’s (Nov. 28) council meeting, Kim Perryman, the town’s director of recreation, presented to council the Request for Proposal (RFP) on the town’s parkland needs study. The RFP is designed to recommend and prioritize “locations for possible new recreation infrastructure” for the town’s seven parks, and to determine the amount and location where the funds could be spent.

The town is seeking proposals for a professional consultant to undertake the parkland study. The RFP is designed to provide a fair evaluation for all candidates, who will be evaluated on criteria of experience, service requirements, providing three references to similar work, and pricing proposal.

Once the study is complete, the consultant will bring it back to council, the goal being to have it done before budget talks. The majority of project meetings will take place at Mono’s Municipal office, and there will also be a public presentation, though dates are unknown.

Councillor Fred Nix voiced his concerns over the RFP, saying it needs a bit more work. “I’m confused to how anyone can bid on something with a fixed price, without having a fairly good idea as to just what the work plan’s going to be.”

Ms. Perryman clarified those interested won’t be determined based on the highest or lowest fees, but who council deems is the best consultant, based on the criteria.

Councillor Nix says his main concern is not dealing with the town’s Recreation Advisory Committee, who should at a “minimum, go through this and give us some advice,” as they don’t have another advisory meeting until January.

Councillor Sharon Martin disagreed. “We need to get the process going.”

Ms. Perryman said to council that if they bring the RFP back by mid-January, and the selection committee evaluates and makes a decision by mid-February, the consultant would be given to August to complete the study. “That way they can talk to all the user groups.”

Councillor Nix says they still need more time. “We need that sort of brainstorming session, to try to get this document a bit together, in terms of what we’re looking for.”

Councillor Martin says they gave been given “a reasonable amount of time” to find a consultant.

After further discussion, council passed the document, with only Councillor Nix opposing. The document will be issued in a week or two, with the proposals being brought back sometime in January.

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