
Lorne Scots monument set for Alexandra Park

October 13, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Mike Pickford

Area residents will soon have another place to pay their respects to fallen veterans after Orangeville Council approved a request from the Orangeville Legion to place a new monument at Alexandra Park, commemorating the Lorne Scots Regiment.

One of Canada’s oldest and longest-serving military regiments, the Lorne Scots Regiment has a long and storied history in Dufferin County. Area residents fought in the Second World War as part of Lorne Scots, while members have been involved in several peacemaking operations in the Middle East, Namibia, Cambodia, Cyprus, the former Yugoslavia and Afghanistan in recent years. Currently, the infantry reserve has companies stationed in Brampton, Oakville and Georgetown.

Addressing Council on Sept. 28, Orangeville Legion President Chris Skalozub said it was his job to “support my brothers and stand behind them to the end”, stating his belief that a memorial for one of the country’s oldest units would be a fitting tribute. He had earmarked Alexandra Park as a possible location, something most members agreed with.

Councillor Don Kidd remarked that he would have preferred to see the monument placed at either the Town’s Greenwood Cemetery or Orangeville District Secondary School.

“I’ve never supported this thing going in at Alexandra Park. We don’t have a monument at all at the local cemetery, it would make sense (to put it there),” Coun. Kidd said. “The Lorne Scots started in Orangeville at ODSS, they used to have a rifle range there… I’d much prefer to see the monument at ODSS, or at Greenwood.”

Mr. Skalozub noted he was in the process of getting quotes for a potential monument at the cemetery, located at the top end of Broadway. He said following that particular project through was a priority for him before the end of his term as president. Even with that promise, Coun. Kidd stated he would prefer to see the monument erected at ODSS.

Mayor Jeremy Williams appeared to take exception to Coun. Kidd questioning the local Legion members for their choice of location.

“I personally feel honour-bound to respect this request and to honour it,” Mayor Williams said. “Those who served my country, if they ask me to do something I’m going to do that, because that’s what you should do. I’m ashamed that we’re not more willing to do what they’re asking us to do. It’s an extremely small ask in my opinion.”

Coun. Kidd hit back, stating that he didn’t want his comments favouring another location to come across as indicating he didn’t support having a Lorne Scots Memorial Monument in Orangeville, saying that was “absolutely not true”.

In the end, Council voted 5-1 in favour of the monument being erected at Alexandra Park.

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