October 16, 2020 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
Every year the Lord Dufferin Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire (IODE) presents a citizenship award to an individual who goes ‘above and beyond’ when volunteering or assisting in the well being of the community.
The overarching national organization presents the award, while local chapters select a worthy recipient within their own community.
The Lord Dufferin chapter in Orangeville had to delay the presentation of their award this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however on Sept. 23, they were finally able to get together on the back deck of a member’s home where they could meet and honour their 2020 award recipient.
This year, the Lord Dufferin Chapter of the IODE selected local resident Cathy Wilson for her efforts in the community.
“The IODE is across Canada and most communities have their own chapter,” explained Lord Dufferin Chapter vice president, Jessica Cerveny. “There is a national chapter that has a yearly conference, and at that conference they present a citizenship award to represent all of the IODE’s in Canada. Locally we select someone in our community that has made a significant contribution to our community and should be recognized for their efforts and volunteer activity in the community. It is to acknowledge someone for all of their hard work.”
Ms. Wilson was selected as this year’s recipient after being nominated by members of the community for her contributions to the community and volunteer efforts.
“At the beginning of the year we have a citizenship officer who begins a search and takes names from not only our members suggesting people, but she looks in the community for people who are doing things that we had no idea about, as was the case with Cathy,” explained IODE Lord Dufferin Chapter communications officer, Dori Ebel. “We came up with a lot of names, but Cathy’s name really stood out.”
Several people sent the IODE testimonials about Cathy’s involvement in the community.
Her efforts include delivering snacks to her local school and being involved with Scouts Canada.
Joining the Island Lake Rowing Club, she organized regattas and ran the before school program, which required her showing up at the club in the very early morning hours to get things ready as well as being actively involved in the Club’s fundraising efforts.
Cathy has also been involved as a volunteer at the local Relay for Life.
Very active in her church, she has been involved at St. Mark’s chuch, as an executive board member, social committee member, choir member, and the church’s youth group. She prepares lunches for the seniors at the church and helps with the Christmas day lunch each year.
She attends the Lord Dufferin Centre on Thursday mornings as a part of a choir group. Cathy is also involved in many more volunteer activities in the community.
Several people reached out to the IODE to recommend Cathy as the recipient of this year’s award to acknowledge her contributions to the community, Dori said.
The IODE has been in existence since 1907 and has fundraising events each year.