October 16, 2020 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
This is one time of year that being caught in the middle of a ‘Blizzard’ is a good thing.
Dairy Queen is once again holding its annual event to raise funds for the Children’s Miracle Network.
The Children’s Miracle Network is involved with local children’s hospitals across North America. In our region, that hospital is the Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto.
Orangeville Dairy Queen is working hard to once again, be the top fundraiser in Eastern Canada through sales of Blizzards at their store.
Usually the Blizzard sale event is held for one day in August. However, this year, the decision was made turn it into a week long event to avoid having too many people in the store at one time.
Orangeville Dairy Queen usually sells around 5,000 Blizzards during the event but this year they are aiming for 7,000.
The community and local businesses are, typically, very supportive of the event.
“We have pre-sold 1,000 Blizzards already,” said Orangeville Dairy Queen owner, John Lockyer. “We have 18 companies that have already pre-ordered. For the past few years we have raised the most money of any Dairy Queen in Eastern Canada.”
The Orangeville Dairy Queen donates 100 per cent of the funds raised through Blizzard sales to the Children’s Miracle Network.
In the past they have raise around $60,000 through each event. This year their goal is $65,000.
Over the years Orangeville Dairy Queen has raised almost $700,000, money that has directly supported SickKids hospital.
“We think that supporting SickKids is a worthy effort,” Mr. Lockyer said. “Everyone knows someone who has needed their help.”
On average, 35,000 children enter a Children’s Miracle Network Member hospital each week. The program supports the children and their families receiving treatment at local children’s hospitals.
The program began in 1984 and Dairy Queen has become a top contributor to the Children’s Miracle Network with over $135 million raised over the years.
Stopping in at the Orangeville Dairy Queen for a Blizzard this week not only gets you a frosty treat, you will have the satisfaction of knowing that every cent you spend on a Blizzard will be going to SickKids.
The Blizzard event is being held at the Orangeville Dairy Queen daily through to Sunday, Oct. 11.