August 6, 2014 · 0 Comments
By Tabitha Wells – In today’s day and age, there are many negative stories floating around the world. But every so often, a story pops up that has the capability to restore some of that hope in humanity and remind us that good people exist everywhere.
Four Orangeville kids did just that this past weekend, leaving their parents filled with happiness at the good-hearted and good-willed nature of their kids.
Tara Snow and her friend Ashley Downie decided to take their kids (Austin and Tyler Glass and Joshua and Madelyn Spizig) on a geocaching adventure on Saturday in Dragonfly Park.
The adventure turned became even more exciting when they discovered a real treasure by the flag pole.
“We went geocaching and went up to the flag pole, and of course our children ran up ahead to see if they could find the geocache themselves,” explained Ms. Snow. “They ended up finding a wallet with $840 in it, as well as an iPhone.”
Instead of pocketing it, the four kids ran up to their moms and showed them their treasure, then asked if they could call the police to turn it over and get it back to the rightful owner.
“When they wanted to return it, Ashley and I felt very proud,” said Ms. Snow. “We couldn’t get it out of our heads all day. We knew they would never hide it or keep it anyone, but the fact that they knew what to do with the property was amazing. Not a lot of kids would know what to do.”
Whether or not the idea to keep it ever crossed their kids’ minds, Ms. Snow couldn’t say for sure, but she added that because they came straight to them with it, she was positive that it likely never did.
They contacted Orangeville police, and and Const. Matthew Wrigley showed up to collect the belongings and pose for a picture with the four adventurers.
“They were so excited to hand it over to the police and get their picture taken,” said Ms. Snow. “They all said they hoped it would get into the paper, but they had no idea so many people would be talking about it. They think they are celebrities now. It’s just too cute!”
Afterwards, police were able to return the wallet and phone to their owner in Brampton, who was incredibly thankful for the kind-hearted response from the four kids.
Ms. Snow added that she and Ms. Downie were just over the moon about how incredibly well their kids handled the situation.