
It’s the Season for Freezin’ – the Polar Plunge is back

February 1, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

There’s nothing quite as refreshing as jumping into a pool of near-freezing water outdoors in the middle of February.

The 2024 Dufferin OPP Polar Plunge is returning to Fiddle Park in February, and you have the chance to enjoy an outdoor swim and raise money for a good cause at the same time.

You don’t have to do it alone. You can form your own group based on friends or your workplace, and all enjoy the plunge together.

Not only can you come as a group, but you can choose a theme and dress up in costume for the event.

Just imagine your workgroup in super-hero-themed costumes leaping into the pool together and enjoying the sudden shock of plunging into ice-cold water in the middle of winter!

“We’re doing it again on Family Day,” explained organizer Constable Jeff McLean of the Dufferin OPP. “It’s a fundraiser under the Law Enforcement Torch Run banner for Special Olympics. People can sign up or donate, or sponsor an individual.”

This is the first Polar Plunge since 2020 when the pandemic put a stop to large gatherings.

“Our goal is to get it back up and running this year and bring it back to the community,” Constable McLean explained. “We’re putting a pool that was donated by D&D Pools in Orangeville. We still have that pool and they are on board for coming in and setting it up. Registration for the event will start at 11:00 a.m and the plunging will start around 1:00 p.m. The last time we did it we had almost 400 spectators and around 76 plungers.”

The Dufferin OPP Polar Plunge will take place on the Family Day holiday, Monday, Feb. 19, at Fiddle Park, 515677 Dufferin County Road 11, in Shelburne.

You can register online by visiting:

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