
Island Lake: a regional park?

January 6, 2016   ·   0 Comments

AS YOU’LL SEE in the letter from Wayne White elsewhere on this page, Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) has invited a large contingent of stakeholders to participate in a series of meetings throughout 2016 with the purpose of developing a new five-year strategic plan for Island Lake.

Of all the properties owned by CVC, Island Lake is unique in more ways than one.

For one thing, it’s partly inside a town of 30,000 and immediately beside an important trunk highway.

For another, it alone has the equivalent of free admission to one of its best attractions, the fully accessible Vicki Barron Lakeside Trail.

In the circumstances, why should CVC, Orangeville and Dufferin County not look seriously into turning the conservation area into a jointly-owned regional park?

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