July 5, 2019 · 0 Comments
Water: Liquid Gold.
In many countries, for many reasons, this may certainly be true. But I’m sure a number of local residents never imagined that this would be true for them.
I’m sure if they used the water they are claimed to have used, these ‘golden bills’ may be a little easier to accept. Yet when it is obviously crystal clear from the reports published in the local news that this is a meter error this becomes an issue with many aspects that need addressing.
It is difficult to read time and time again in our local news of yet another person affected by drastically inflated ghost water bills. (I know none of these people personally) It continues to be difficult to read the repetitive script of huge increases with no apparent reason, the checklist of possible factors all non evident. The greatest difficulty comes from the town’s unhelpful response and the lack of support from Council in remedying this travesty. (The meter read the usage, you must have used it and therefore must pay for it and any means to prove otherwise are at your cost?) A fear of setting a precedent is only wrong if it is unjust. These homeowners need your support in terms of action, not just time on your agenda.
A single incident may well fall into the possible explanations offered but how many cases must be presented before those in control realize there is a genuine problem that needs addressing with appropriate refunds made to these people. The opportunity exists to look at past bills, do some simple averaging and see that a real and probable error is evident.
Council is the only body it appears that can direct repayment or appropriate reimbursement to these honest, tax paying residents and I urge this Council to do so. It also appears a different process needs to be established that does not leave all the responsibility and all the costs to rest solely with the complainant.
Over the term of this Council there will be many important and significant issues that need to be supported. Although this seemingly impacts a few it is no less significant.
This council is new in its entirety and has clearly established early on its collaborative and supportive nature. What better issue to show continued support for those few that have no other recourse than your acknowledgement that this is just not probable, nor coincidence, nor the fault of these homeowners?
David Kirk
Orangeville resident