August 6, 2014 · 0 Comments
Claire Hoy’s story about the behaviour of the Supreme Court (July 31, 2014) and in particular, that of the Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin, is amusing and a welcome distraction from the madness in the Middle East. But it’s a story nevertheless and little else.
For Hoy would have us believe that the behaviour of himself, Mr. Harper, and his loyal jackals are pure and white as the driven snow. Hoy tells a good yarn while pillaring the very same appointees of Harper and Mulroney.
Wasn’t it Harper that appointed the majority of the so called unelected and unaccountable? And aren’t these pillars of our democracy doing nothing more than carry out the very same requirements Harper imposed on them? Surly, you can’t have it both ways. But there you are.
Why Hoy decides to favour Harper’s attempt at an end run around our constitution is a mystery to me. I would have thought he’d be manning the ramparts while bring down hell and brimstones on those two worthies, Harper and McKay. But no, he leaves it to the likes of a lone constitutional lawyer, Rocco Galati, to take Harper to task and stop the illegal appointment of Nadon in its constitutional tracks.
There’s no mention of Galati in Hoy’s story nor of the court ruling on what had been placed before it. But no, he is content to play out the PMO’s spin, as it that were all the truth there is. And we all know where truth is concerned, Harper and his PMO are no beacons of light. And when Hoy says that politicians of all stripes are often untrustworthy, I thought the same thing might apply to himself and a few other journalists I could think of.
For all of that, it’s the pot calling the stove black.
It seems to escape his worthy that Harper has a real mad on about the people’s constitution and anyone who might get in his way such as the likes of the Supreme Court. The same behaviours some might say is reminiscent of foreign land dictators. But perhaps, like some other journalist of note, Hoy may be seeking approval of the great man himself and a seat in that house of ill repute and all that.
It seems to me Hoy has let his imagination trump his logical thinking. But still, he tells an amusing story.
Stephen Ferris
International Games
Please congratulate Columnist Claire Hoy for his astute observations about international sport competitions (“Games won’t break even,” 17 July). They never come in under budget and always cost taxpayers huge sums, while profits go to hotels, restaurants and “amateur” participants; nowhere else.
Although I recall that a little lobbying by PM Trudeau’s friends persuaded him to order a new airstrip so corporate aircraft could land near the 1976 Olympic horse competitions, when a perfectly good airport already existed in a nearby town. Someone high up reaped a new airstrip from that Olympic.
I would add that the only persons able to afford attendance at such games are the rich and the politicians. The latter enjoy – for example – the “free” annual 1 July fireworks on Parliament Hill without the hassle of three-hour bus rides home after midnight. The same benefit applies to Olympic Games in any country.
Doubtless only the ancient Greek Solons were able to attend the first Olympics.
Then there’s the additional load on the Canadian Armed Forces – especially the Army – who must provide security, car drivers, timers, etc – the menial tasks. The Montreal Olympics took priority over NATO defence in Europe.
Mr Hoy argues that only the attendees should pay for any such games. I agree – especially the IOOC members, politicians and organizers. Failing that rule, Canada should host no more Games of any kind. Pity about the Commonwealth Games and the taxes that will flow to them.
Charles Hooker
East Garafraxa