
Hoping for a royal flush at annual Knights of Columbus poker run

September 14, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

It was a little cool for a long distance ride, but around 80 motorcyclists dressed for the temperature and joined the annual Orangeville Knights of Columbus poker ride last Sunday, September 9.

The ride started at the Orangeville Curling Club where riders registered before following a rather scenic route up to Stayner. After all, if your taking you bike out for a ride, you prefer to follow a fun winding route rather than a straight line.

After stopping in at the Stayner location they headed to Grand Valley for the second stop before making the final leg back to Orangeville where there was a barbecue, silent auction and live entertainment waiting.

The idea of the poker run has riders drawing a playing card at each stop to create a poker hand. The rider with the best hand at the end of the ride receives a $1000 prize. If a hand isn’t looking too promising, riders have the option of buying a couple of extra card to see if they can improve their hand and maybe turn a random set of card into a flush or a straight.

However, they don’t participate in the ride just to have a crack at the prize. The event raises funds for several good local causes.

The Knights of Columbus support Hospice Dufferin and Headwaters Health Care Centre, and have a special project helping local youth Ashlyn Coogan and her family.

Ashlyn has special needs and the Knights help to alleviate the financial stress of caring for her.

“This is our tenth ride,” explained Poker Run chairman, Tim Gant. “We do this to support Ashlyn Coogan and several charities. We have 79 riders already registered today and a few more still coming in. They can register on our website or when they arrive.”

The riders returned to the curling club at the end of the ride to wind down and enjoy the rest of the day.

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