
Hope Through Harmonies fundraiser for hospice this Friday in Orangeville

April 27, 2017   ·   0 Comments

Musicians Lex and Sara, an acoustic duo from Guelph, are holding a fundraiser in support of Hospice Dufferin this Friday, April 28 at Fionn MacCool’s in Orangeville.

The pair plans to raise money for Hospice Dufferin, a nonprofit organization focused on supporting and improving the quality of life for people living with life-limiting illness, their caregivers, and the bereaved in the community.

The event starts at 7 p.m. and will feature live music by “Lex and Sara” with Sandy Horne from the Spoons on bass, raffle prize draws, donation opportunities, and the chance to sign up to participate in “Hike for Hospice” on May 7th.

Tickets for the event are $5, with all proceeds from the night going directly to Hospice Dufferin. Fionn MacCool’s is providing a “kick-back” coupon, with the purchase of your ticket, which can be used during the month of May and will facilitate further donations towards Hospice.

Sara Rose is a third-year student in the Bachelor of Social Work Program at Laur-entian University and is currently enrolled in a field practicum at Hospice Dufferin in Orangeville.

Lex is in her final year of the BScN (nursing) program at York University.

Both are passionate about their future roles as caregivers in the community. In partnership with Hospice Dufferin, Lex and Sara have combined their career paths and music to create this amazing event, Hope Through Harmonies, as a “kick-off” for Hospice Month in May.

The event is an effort to highlight the importance of Hospice in the community, and the need to help fund the important initiatives that Hospice is the driving force behind.

Serving approximately 400 clients annually, with 1500 supportive interactions from staff and volunteers, as hands on support where needed; Hospice Dufferin helps individuals to live a full life in the face of challenge whilst providing peace, comfort and dignity.

Hospice Dufferin receives 25% of their annual operating costs from the Local Health Integrated Network, but is responsible for fundraising the remaining 75%. This is a significant challenge for a small organization and Lex and Sara are hopeful that their event will make a significant contribution to the efforts of the local Hospice organization.

“I have really enjoyed the time I’ve spent with Hospice Dufferin,” said Sara. “Highlighting two of our passions, Lex and I are so excited to have created Hope Through Harmonies as a means of helping to support an organization that works incredibly hard and to share our music. Our music ranges from classic hits to original songs.”

For Further information about Hospice Dufferin and the Hope Through Harmonies event, visit and For tickets and reservations call 519-940-3083, or visit Fionn MacCool’s at 75 Fourth Ave., in Orangeville.

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