October 31, 2024 · 0 Comments
By Paula Brown
Residents from Honeywood are advocating for the County of Dufferin to implement road safety measures on two major roadways in the community.
During their meeting on Oct. 10, Dufferin County Council received a delegation from Honeywood resident Nancy Matthews, requesting that the County of Dufferin look at ways to slow traffic down at the intersection of County Road 21 and 2nd Line.
“This year the traffic has been horrendously more and more aggressive and harassing to all the residents,” said Matthews, who has been a lifelong resident of Honeywood. “I thought ‘I need to move.’ Then, I said ‘no, this is my hometown and somebody needs to speak up.’”
Matthews presented councillors with a petition containing 76 names and signatures of Honeywood residents, who support the need for road safety measures to slow traffic at the intersection.
“I wanted to see how the community felt and what controls they would like to see so I came up with some ideas and they added some more to the petition,” explained Matthews.
In the petition, the residents of Honeywood highlighted the different types of safety controls they would like to potentially have investigated to help address their safety concerns.
The suggested road measures included creating a four-way stop at the intersection of County Rd. 21 and 2nd Line, lowering the speed limit to 40 kilometres per hour on both roads, changing the painted passing lines to doubles lines, camera or speed radar, speed bumps, rumble strips, speed cushions, increased fines, crosswalks and sidewalks for pedestrians.
During her delegation, Matthews shared with councillors some of the experiences Honeywood residents have had with the lack of road safety on the two roads within the community.
Matthews noted that residents have expressed being subject to aggressive driving, verbal confrontations, nearly being hit by vehicles while walking, struggling to cross the intersection’s crosswalk, and children being scared to ride their bikes or go to the park.
The intersection also serves as a pick-up and drop-off point for students who use the school bus, and parents have expressed feeling unsafe walking to and from the bus stop as traffic rolls through.
Recreational amenities in Honeywood include the arena, park and baseball field, all located along County Rd. 21.
“Many townships and county roads have dropped speeds deemed to be county safety zones [and] no truck zones. Those roads have scattered housing, yet, Honeywood is a village with community recreation facilities, but we have non safety control,” said Matthews.
Following Matthews’ delegation, Dufferin County Councillors commented on the petition and provided their own input into the requested report.
“I drive that road very frequently and it is the route to get to other places; I know it’s heavily used,” said Coun. Gail Little. “I can appreciate your concerns and I definitely would like to have a staff report comeback regarding all the suggestions that were made.”
Little also pointed out that there are concerns about how safety road measures would impede first responder vehicles when attempting to attend a call.
Coun. James McLean recommended that Matthews reach out to Mulmur-Melancthon Fire Chief Mat Waterfield on how the installations of different road safety controls, such as speed humps, would impact first responder vehicles.
“It might not be as big of a deal for him. It’d be helpful to have that conversation to get his opinion because the firefighters live there,” said McLean.
Scott Burns, director of Public Works for the County of Dufferin, apologized to Honeywood residents and added that it was the first time he’d heard about many of the concerns.
“We can bring a report forward, but I certainly couldn’t commit to the next [council] meeting,” said Scott Burns. “I think it would be valuable to collect some information first so this might be something we can try to get done before the winter season, but I’m doubtful.”
The delegation was referred to the County’s Infrastructure and Environmental Services Committee for further discussion and recommendations.
“We hope Mulmur and the County can work together for our safety and if you can take anything home tonight, as I heard about your commutes taking differently little roads to get here, think of those little towns that you’re going through; it’s affecting us all,” said Matthews.