October 14, 2016 · 0 Comments
Dufferin-Caledon MPP Sylvia Jones was on hand at Mono Council TuesDufferin-Caledon MPP Sylvia Jones was on hand at Mono Council Tuesday night to add her voice to concerns at the absence of plans to improve Highway 10 through the town.
The upcoming work on the highway – a three-year project to resurface the road and repair a bridge – was a big discussion topic between the MPP and Mono Mayor Laura Ryan and the town’s other councilors.
Mayor Ryan was concerned about both the high volume of traffic that travels on Highway 10 each day and how substantial work could affect daily life in Mono. “Thanksgiving weekend would have been a perfect time to take photos and see the impact that this road has on our community,” she said.
Council had before it a letter Ms. Jones has written Ontario’s Transportation Minister asking for expansion of the work currently planned for the highway between Orangeville and Primrose.
In the letter to Steven Del Duca, the MPP noted that Dillon Consulting Limited is currently engaged in detailed design and class environment assessment for the “rehabilitation” project that is expected to take three years starting in 2017 but limited to resurfacing, repairs to a bridge over the Nottawasaga River and installation of left turn lanes at only one intersection.
“I do not believe the announced changes will address the concerns of local residents and the municipality,” she said, reminding him that last February she had written him “outlining the constant concerns I hear from residents about the need to improve Highway 10 from Hockley Road north to Highway 89. Many residents are witness to countless acts of unsafe driving and take sideroads to avoid turning on and off the highway. The residents are joined by the Town of Mono who have outlined to you in numerous letters that the ongoing issues with the highway couId be improved by the installation of a turning lane (at intersections) north from Camilla to Primrose.”
She also asked, “what additional information can I provide for you to reconsider the current plan?”
Her letter may have been inspired by one sent earlier to the minister by Mike Dunmore, Mono’s public works director, a copy of which he had sent to Ms. Jones.
In that letter, Mr. Dunmore reported to the minister on a meeting in August with officials of the ministry’s West Region office in London, Dillon Consulting, Dufferin and Orangeville public works and the Orangeville Fire Department to discuss the MTO project.
At that meeting, MTO representative Scott Howard apparently dismissed requests for major improvements such as left-turn lanes at all intersections and relief for weekend traffic congestion south of Primrose.
Mr. Dunmore said one topic raised was potential detours during the three-year project, which is expected to start next year and involve resurfacing, the bridge work and installation of left turn lanes at 20 Sideroad.
“Your consultant explained in detail the upcoming rehabilitation project and the group were assembled to assess the traffic impacts of same,” Mr. Dunmore said. “While the focus of this meeting was traffic impacts and potential detour routing throughout Orangeville and the Town of Mono’s gravel road networks, I am convinced that Mr. Howard listened attentively to our concerns and that MTO will endeavor to implement the group’s comments and apply appropriate detour routes and mechanisms to try and mitigate the negative impacts to our residential ratepayers and their infrastructure.”
However, he added that while the meeting’s agenda was limited to the work currently planned, “I found it to be the Corporation of the Town of Mono’s last chance to once again reiterate Council and the Corporation’s concerns regarding vehicular safety along your Ministry-governed Highway 10 corridor that traverses through the entire stretch of the Town of Mono. I am sure you will remember that the Town has repeatedly sent you letters asking for intersection visibility improvements, enhanced intersection lighting and that left-turn lanes be installed for the entire length of your project.”
Noting that copies of all the letters had been sent to Ms. Jones and “appropriate people at the Ministry,” he advised Mr. Del Duca that Mono “still feels very strongly about our requests and I have attached our latest letter sent to Mr. Howard documenting, once again, our residents’ and the Corporation’s concerns for your consideration.”
The letter was accompanied by a report he had given Mono Council concerning the August meeting. He advised the minister that on receiving the report, Council had raised two issues, the fact that long lineups south of the signals at Primrose were causing traffic to divert on to Mono’s 25 and 30 sideroads, and concern that road salt is polluting the Nottawasaga where it crosses the highway.
“The Town of Mono has requested Dillon Consulting to be included in the request for comments as a result of your Environmental Assessment Study and the Town of Mono Public Works Department and Council feel that this is the perfect opportunity for the Ministry to enhance the protection of road salts and chlorides from entering cold water fish habitats in this area. We trust your consultant will try to address this issue and further trust that the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority will provide similar concerns and recommendations in line with this request.”
In conclusion, he asked that the minister “seriously review the extent of the Corporation’s documentation as provided in the past and make a decision to expand the scope of works beyond that of warranted triggers and take action to increase vehicular safety of all who travel this stretch since the rehabilitation is occurring over the next three years.”
At present, Highway 10 has four lanes only as far north as Camilla and the MTO apparently has no long-range plan to widen it between Camilla and Primrose, despite traffic counts showing the two-lane road now carries far more traffic than the highway did when it was widened between Hockley Road and Camilla.
Another issue brought to Mono Council by a local resident was about a piece of roadway with a concerning drop on the east side of Highway 89 in front of the Globe Restaurant in Rosemont. All parties agreed to look at the road in hopes of fixing it.
Lastly, councillor Sharon Martin was appointed as the representative for the Canada 150 celebration next year; she will be looking to find four or five locals to help with the planning of the event. If you’re interested in getting involved with Canada 150, email her at sharon.martin@townofmono.com.
With files from Tom Claridge