
Headwaters Health Care Foundation CEO resigns, effective July 23

June 24, 2021   ·   0 Comments

Dora Boylen-Pabst, CEO of Headwaters Health Care Foundation, has submitted her resignation. She will be moving on in her career with Global Philanthropic (Canada’s leading national, full-service fundraising consultancy helping non-profits raise more money in support of their missions) as both a Senior Consultant and Vice-President of Ontario. Her last day at Headwaters will be July 23rd.

On behalf of the Headwaters Health Care Foundation Staff Team and Board of Directors, Tim Peters (Chair) and Sarah Mailhot (Vice-Chair) wish to thank Dora for her incredible contributions to the Foundation, Hospital and Community by raising our revenue and presence across Dufferin and Caledon, as well as across the industry as a whole.  

Dora and her team have had unprecedented success, despite these challenging times, and thanks to the support of our incredibly generous Headwaters community, the 20/21 fiscal year saw over $5 million in revenue come through the door to benefit our hospital. We are unanimous in our agreement that we will miss her!

The Foundation is pleased to announce that Danielle Gibb (currently the Director of Leadership & Planned Giving at the Foundation) will become our Acting Executive Director in July. We are very pleased to have Danielle assume this role and look forward to the continued success of our Foundation. 

A transition plan, hiring plan and assemblance of a Search Committee is in the works, and we hope to have a new head of our Foundation in place by the end of the calendar year, if not sooner.

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