June 30, 2015 · 0 Comments
Headwaters Health Care Centre (Headwaters) celebrated and highlighted its achievements from the past year at its Annual General Meeting (AGM), held last Tuesday evening.
The meeting provided an opportunity to share the year’s highlights through videos, special presentations, and a new Annual Report.
Attendees heard several illustrations of Headwaters using innovation and partnerships to transform health care and bring care closer to home for patients in its community.
“It is through innovation that we find new ways of working together with health care providers in the community in order to drive change in the health care system,” said Rob Hamilton Chair of the Headwaters Health Care Centre’s Board of Directors.
“Thanks to the remarkable teamwork and efforts of staff, physicians, volunteers and community partners, we have made tremendous progress toward our Vision – Exceptional Experience Every Time. By building on our past accomplishments and working together with our partners, we will achieve our goals and most importantly, our Vision to benefit patients and families in our community.”
Last August, Headwaters helped to create a cross-sector partnership that is the first of its kind in Ontario and that brought together the non-clinical or administrative support (‘back office’) functions of the Central West Community Care Access Centre (CCAC) and William Osler Health System (Osler) with Headwaters.
Boards of the three organizations have also formed a Strategic Partnership Committee to exchange ideas to improve access to health care services, explore partnerships, and find common ground to promote efficiency and align performance.
Headwaters is also continuing to evolve and redevelop its facilities to meet growing demand for services, both in volume and complexity of care, and is eagerly waiting to break ground on a new 8,200-square-foot expansion. Construction is expected to begin this fall.
“Our hospital is evolving and growing to meet the health care needs of our community,” said Liz Ruegg, the hospital’s president and chief executive officer. “This expansion will help us create a modern space for the patients and families we serve in the areas of chemotherapy and oncology, for minor procedures like stitches or a biopsy, and infusion clinics.”
During the meeting, Headwaters also offered gratitude and congratulations to the winners of the prestigious Dr. David Scott Award for leadership and contributions to the health and well-being of the community: Dr. Amy Catania and the Dufferin Area Physician Search Committee.
The first-ever Chair’s Award was also presented to local leaders John ‘Doc’ Gilles and Dr. David Scott for their impact and many contributions to Headwaters Health Care Centre.
Dr. Amy Catania has transformed the health care services in a previously underserviced community through her leadership at the Shelburne Centre for Health. She was able to recruit five family physicians in less than one year to the Centre for Health.
The Dufferin Area Physician Search Committee, which currently includes 13 volunteer committee members, has been instrumental in physician recruitment and retention activities, improving the healthcare and long-term care in our community.
Doc Gillies is a businessman, developer of residential and commercial projects and local health care visionary. He served as Chair of the Headwaters Health Care Foundation, and was an unpaid general contractor for the Highlands Health Medical Clinic. He continues to support the hospital and Foundation as an honoured Senator with the Foundation.
Following in his father’s footsteps, Dr. David Scott came to Orangeville in 1962 as the town’s first specialist (general surgery). He dedicated his life to improving the health and wellness of the community. Dr. Scott continues to be very actively involved in Headwaters Health Care Centre since his retirement in 1997. His many contributions include leading the government approvals process for Headwaters’ building in 1997, developing the new Family Health Team, and supporting the Foundation.
To learn more about the highlights from Headwaters’ past year, check out the online Annual Report, at www.headwaters transforms2014.ca or www.headwaters health.ca/annualreport.