
Headwaters clarifies concerns about Outpatient Oncology Program closing

May 26, 2022   ·   0 Comments

Headwaters Health Care Centre made the following statement, clarifying concerns surrounding the hospital’s Oncology Program:

“We have been made aware of concerns circulating in the community on social media, in the media and calls to staff, regarding our Outpatient Oncology Program. Rest assured, our Outpatient Oncology Program is not closing. Our Outpatient Oncology Program continues to provide services through our Oncology Clinic which includes chemotherapy, nursing assessments and supportive care, bloodwork, and imaging,” reads the statement. 

“We have a long-standing partnership with our oncology partners at William Osler Health System to optimize the delivery of cancer services in our region. We are continuing to work with them to optimize care for people in our community.”

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