
Have we a council of Luddites?

March 10, 2017   ·   0 Comments

By Tom Claridge

WE COULDN’T IMAGINE  a more reasonable suggestion than that put forward by Trevor Castiglione at Monday night’s Orangeville Council meeting.

The suggestion was that Council do some “serious research” regarding Internet voting ahead of the 2018 municipal election.

“I think it’s something we should seriously consider, given our voter turnout is so atrociously low,” he said. (In 2014 just 39.3 per cent of eligible voters cast ballots.)

He might have added that Mono Council has already decided to adopt the option of voting by Internet or phone, in hopes of boosting voter turnout.

But instead of agreeing to look at such options, Council unanimously approved doing nothing.

As we see it, the Province should not just encourage all municipalities to modernize their voting systems but should consider following suit itself.

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