October 22, 2014 · 0 Comments
Lots is happening locally to recognize Woman Abuse Prevention Month (WAPM) this November.
Statistics tell us that at least half of all women in Canada have experienced at least one incident of physical or sexual violence since they have turned 16.
This year to mark WAPM, Family Transition Place is launching a seven-week series of informational articles to highlight what you can do to make a change, because on average every six days a woman is murdered by her intimate partner.
This series will run hand in hand with the return of the annual Wrapped in Courage purple scarf campaign, where you can show your support for FTP and ending Woman abuse by purchasing, wearing, and telling others about your purple scarf, what it might mean to you personally and what it means to us all. Scarves are $15 and are available at participating locations in Orangeville (Town Hall, Orangeville Public Libraries, Noah Brown Boutique, FTP) and Bolton (Scotibank, Healthletica, Amped Nutrition, Bodhi Wellness).
Woman abuse is not a women’s issue, it’s a human rights issue, and it affects us all, 67% percent of the populations knows someone who has experienced physical or sexual abuse. Together we can work to eliminate woman abuse because every woman has the fundamental right to live in safety and security.
Family Transition Place has over 25 years of history and commitment to working towards ending violence and supporting those who have experienced violence, by providing safe shelter and counselling to those women and children who need it the most.
Last year, 162 women and 103 children from our community found refuge in our shelter. 1,023 men, women and children received support through our counselling and outreach programs. Over 6,000 youth received their Youth Education training, learning new skills and developing attitudes that will allow them to build healthy respectful relationships.
Family Transition Place relies on community support through donations and sponsorships to ensure its programs maintain their high standard of excellence and that our Youth Education programs continue to be available to the youth and communities of Caledon and Dufferin