
First Shift program introduces young hockey players to the game

March 10, 2022   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Hockey is a great game to play, but it can also be very expensive, especially for families that have more than one child involved in the sport.

Not every kid is cut out for playing hockey. It can be very disappointing to spend all the money on fees and equipment just to find out your child is not enjoying the experience.

The First Shift program is an opportunity to introduce your child to the sport for a nominal price.

The program is for boys and girls ages six to 10.

For $229, the kids are outfitted from head-to-toe in equipment that is fitted to them by trained personnel on site.

The program includes a six-week on-ice trial sessions that teaches them the sport and helps them improve their on-ice skills.

This gives kids the opportunity to experience the sport, test their ability, and just to see if they want to continue playing.

The program is now in its ninth year and has seen more than 1,100 programs take place across the country. More than 37,500 boys and girls have taken part and have tried playing hockey for the first time.

The program includes a welcome event where equipment fittings take place, and six on-ice sessions designed by Hockey Canada.

A complete set of equipment is issued to each player including a hockey bag, helmet with facemask, shoulder pads, elbow pads, neck guard, shorts with jock / jill, hockey pants, socks, shin guards, jersey, gloves, a stick, and skates.

OMHA Centres can now apply to host a First Shift program during the 2022 / 23 season.

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