
Finding Your Way

November 19, 2014   ·   0 Comments

Did you know that three out of five people with dementia will go missing at some point?

If not found within 24 hours, half of them will have a serious injury or die.

That’s why the Alzheimer Society of Dufferin County, in partnership with the Alzheimer Society of Ontario and Ontario Seniors’ Secretariat is promoting the groundbreaking Finding Your Way program, a multicultural safety awareness initiative for people living with dementia who go missing or become lost.  Please visit to learn more.

One in ten Ontarians over 65 has dementia.

Dementia doesn’t discriminate, affecting men and women of all races, religions and socio-economic backgrounds.

There is little awareness of missing incidents in our communities and many people do not know where to seek help. Available in English, French, Cantonese, Italian, Mandarin, Portuguese, Punjabi and Spanish, Finding Your Way now helps prevent people living with dementia from “wandering” and going missing, and helps care partners and other family members prepare for such incidents, if they occur.

We would like to hear from you on how our Alzheimer Society can play a partnership role in improving the lives of persons living with dementia and their care partners.  We will look at the Local Community Picture to determine:

• How is this a problem (person living with dementia going missing)?

• What local efforts are underway to help?

• How are police and emergency services involved?

• Who is at the greatest risk?

We will also determine a Local Action Plan that will help solidify:

• What further action is needed?

•  How do we get started? Who can help?

You are invited to a join our community meeting on Friday, November 28, 2014 (10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.).

Please register for this free community meeting – lunch is provided.  We can assist with travel expenses as well. For more information call   (647) 637-3016

Sara Liao

Finding Your Way Coordinator

Alzheimer of Society Ontario


Parade said fun 

but messy

To all who attended the Santa Claus Parade; Saturday night I watched the Santa Claus parade coming down First Street. It was a happy time as one could see from the faces of the children and adults alike as they eagerly waited for the parade to come into view.

It was a fun night.

The next day I walked down First Street but was shocked, saddened and disgusted by the overwhelming amount of garbage carelessly thrown and left behind. What a shameful example adults are setting for children. I spied one garbage can on my travels and that was filled to the brim and spilling over.

I have a couple of suggestions for whenever such events take place:

1.  Tim Hortons should provide temporary garbage disposal cans as most of the garbage was from their establishment.

2. Hire someone to walk up and down collecting garbage.

3.  Hire someone to clean up immediately after the event!

4.  Take a strong stand and fine litter bugs. Not only at these events but whenever someone acts as if it is their right to litter!!

5. The host of these events must be responsible for the garbage left behind

Diane Vroom


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