
Film to be shot on Riverside Drive in Mono

April 15, 2021   ·   0 Comments

By Peter Richardson, Local Journalism Initiative Reporter

The Town of Mono will soon be the location for a film. 

During a Public Meeting on April 13, Council heard a delegation from Marblemedia headed by Paul Franklin, concerning an application for a Filming Permit to enable a new series to be filmed in the Town of Mono.

The film will be called Overlord and the Underwoods, which is about an alien given witness protection and living in the attic of a family home, the Underwoods.

Paul explained that the location scouts had chosen homes on Riverside Dr. and Willow Crescent for the locations and that filming would be done only on the exteriors, as the interior layouts would be built in a studio in Klienberg Ontario.

Number 24 Riverside Dr. had been selected as the Underwood home. Mr. Franklin went on to explain that the series would be shot in five blocks of time, which constituted a season for the production. The first block, being May 5 and 6.

During production, there would be some blockage of traffic, but this is limited to two or three minutes as a rule, which is actually shorter than what is allowed in the town by-law.

There would also be several vehicles required to be parked nearby. These would consist of technical trucks, base camp trucks and crew vehicles however they would not all be in the same locations and the duration would generally be five to six hours.

The average shooting day would run between 7 a.m. and 8 p.m.

In the event of seriously inclement weather, the production would require rescheduling, but in general they proceed rain or shine.

The company also has very comprehensive and detailed COVID-19 protections in place and they’re adhered to. These include PPE’s, cleaning and sanitizing, social distancing and of course regular COVID-19 testing.

Council was more than satisfied with the presentation and the Permit Application was carried unanimously.

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