September 28, 2023 · 0 Comments
As part of its ongoing commitment to environmental sustainability, the Town of Orangeville is welcoming community feedback around tree protection on private properties.
The Town is asking community members to help gauge the importance of trees in their daily lives, as well as their experience with trees in the community, through a public engagement survey which opened today.
“Public consultation can help us to better understand the urban tree canopy today and develop ways to protect the benefits that trees provide throughout Orangeville in the future,” explained Kate Thomson, Sustainability Co-ordinator for the Town of Orangeville.
Earlier this year, the Town of Orangeville completed a detailed assessment of its Urban Tree Canopy, looking at all trees within the Town’s boundary. Using the most recent data, the 2021 leaf-on-land survey revealed Orangeville had an urban tree cover of 24 per cent.
In 2020, the Town included in its Municipal Tree Canopy Policy a goal of achieving 40 per cent canopy coverage by the year 2040.
Orangeville faces two main challenges surrounding the preservation and enhancement of the tree canopy: urban intensification and climate change. These issues have made investigating tree protection measures a priority.
Approximately 79 per cent of the current urban tree canopy is on privately owned land.
Through this survey, the Town hopes to learn:
• How to best protect trees located on private property within the Town’s boundaries
• Methods that can be explored for future protection of trees and natural areas
The Private Tree Preservation Survey is open until October 25, 2023, and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete.
The survey can be completed online at or by completing a paper copy, available at Town Hall.
Learn more about the Town of Orangeville’s urban tree canopy at