
Enough is enough

February 18, 2015   ·   0 Comments

At what point is enough actually enough for the Taxman at Town Hall? In a day and age where margins are squeezed so tight in every industry it’s hardly worth doing business some times.

Private sector wages have remained nearly stagnant for almost 20 years or more and the cost of living has increased exponentially over the same period. Fraser institute estimates that the average Canadian Family gave $32,369 to the various levels of Government – which is more than the same family spends on shelter, food and clothing combined. And that number only accounts for Federal and Provincial income tax and municipal property tax.

The property taxes in the Town of Orangeville are abhorrent. Only to be compounded by the fact that the Liberal Crime Syndicate at Queen’s Park is steadfast in it’s quest to raise the cost of nearly everything under the sun to fill a massive funding gap that they alone created over the past decade of total corruption, un-calculated waste and the mismanagement of every file placed in their hands.

There was a recent article in the Star regarding City Council in Oshawa spending $15,000 of taxpayer’s money on lunch for 272 people to celebrate being elected… Are you kidding me?? One Oshawa resident pointed out that their “Lunch” was four years of his property tax contributions. I certainly hope this sort of thing does not even come close to happening in Orangeville.

In my house, we have very simple rules about spending; if we don’t bring it in, we can’t spend it. These were very basic words of financial advice passed down from my Grandfather. And no truer words were spoken.

What absolutely boggles my mind is the inability of Government to follow these very basic principals.

I fully appreciate that there are times when you tap the Credit Line for a new roof, but you make darn sure you pay that off before you tap your Credit Line again. That doesn’t seem to happen anymore, especially with Government.

Maybe I’m just not smart enough to understand the complexities of Municipal Governance, but for how long does Council feel they can continue coming to the people, cap in hand, legislating handouts. As it stands, my municipal property taxes are as much as my mortgage payment and equal to my vehicle lease. Now we are staring down a 10% budget increase and a 3.3% tax increase (as I have last read). This, council, is absolutely unacceptable.

This Country as a whole needs a total upheaval of it’s entire Political culture which has spawn multi-generations of self-entitled life-long “Public Servants” that have zero respect for the taxpayer or seemingly money in general. They seem to have absolutely no concept of where money comes from, how it’s obtained (by regular working stiffs) and how it should be managed.

It is very clear that in this Province and most Municipalities that out Governments are failing us.

I wanted to take the moral high ground and not point out the underlying problem, but I believe this is something that seriously needs to be brought to the voter’s attention. The Council continues to live in Wonderland, because they are (for the most part) all from Wonderland. There are 2 (out of 6) current members and the new Mayor that I would suggest have any actual real world experience; the rest have lived in a Unionized/Public Service Utopia where raises and Capital need merely a request. They regurgitate their motto “Respect the Taxpayer”, but have absolutely no idea what that truly means.

If they did care, there is absolutely no way they would even whisper the words “increase”.

If I were running the ship every department head would have their recommendations for a 10% cut across the board, especially the Chief of Police. Have it on my desk in one month or find another job! Orangeville Council should be turning over every rock, squeezing every dime before they even whispered the words “Tax increase”. If Council comes back with any tax increase more than Zero in 2015, you have failed the people and should be ashamed of yourselves.

Forget your new budget Council. Time for action. We, the people of Orangeville, are saying “NO”. We cannot afford your Wonderland anymore!

C. Williamson


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