September 17, 2014 · 0 Comments
When nominations for Ontario’s October 27 municipal elections closed at 2 p.m. last Friday, elections were confirmed in all eight Dufferin municipalities.
However, in Mulmur the only office up for grabs will be that of councillor, and there are just four candidates for the three seats on township council.
Mayoralty races are under way in only three of the county’s four towns, former Mono mayor Lorie Haddock having withdrawn her challenge to Mayor Laura Ryan.
In Orangeville, Mayor Rob Adams faces a challenge from Councillor Jeremy Williams, and there is a three-way race for deputy mayor between the incumbent, Warren Maycock, and challengers Sandy Brown and Kim Reid.
Long-time Shelburne Mayor Ed Crewson having decided to withdraw his nomination Wednesday of last week, Deputy Mayor Ken Bennington opted to seek the mayoralty against the only other nominee, Frank Hunt Jr. Mr. Bennington’s withdrawal of his nomination for deputy mayor left Geoff Dunlop unopposed for the office.
An expected contest between Mono Mayor Ryan and Lorie Haddock vanished when Ms. Haddock opted to withdraw her nomination shortly before the deadline at 2 p.m. last Friday. On the other hand, Deputy Mayor Ken McGhee is facing a challenge from Elaine Capes, a member of the town council since 2010.
In Grand Valley, Mayor John Oosterhof is being challenged by Deputy Mayor Steve Soloman and newcomer Denis Houle. There is also a three-way race to succeed Mr. Soloman as deputy mayor – John Gansekoele, Brian MacNamara and Rick Taylor.
Mayoralty races are confirmed in two of the county’s four townships. Amaranth voters will choose between Mayor Don MacIver and the current deputy mayor, Walter Kolodziechuk. Jane Aultman was unopposed in her bid to become deputy mayor.
A similar situation emerged in Melancthon, with David Thwaites and Darren White competing to succeed Mayor Bill Hill, who is retiring, and Janice Elliott being the lone candidate for the deputy mayor’s chair.
In East Garafraxa, Guy Gardhouse and John Stirk were the lone nominees for mayor and deputy mayor, respectively, and in Mulmur Paul Mills and Heather Hayes won acclamations as the township’s mayor and deputy mayor.
All eight municipalities will have races for council seats, with 11 candidates bidding for five seats in Orangeville, nine seeking the same number in Shelburne and seven seeking the three council seats in both Mono and Grand Valley.
Orangeville: (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and five councillors): Rob Adams and Jeremy Williams for Mayor; Sandy Brown, Warren Maycock and Kim Reid for Deputy Mayor; Sylvia Bradley, Alexander Buchanan, Gail Campbell, Scott Craggs, Darrin Davidson, Brad Fournier-Simoes, Nick Garisto, Don Kidd, Frank Nagy, Lisa Post, Debbie Sherwood, Chris Thompson, Scott Wilson and Margo Young for Council.
Shelburne (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and five councillors): Kenneth Bennington and Frank Hunt Jr. for Mayor; Geoff Dunlop for Deputy Mayor; and Walter Benotto, AJ Cavey, Randy Chambers, Kevin Flear, Tom Egan, Wade Mills, Gordon Montgomery, Joshua Oatman and Dan Sample for Council.
Mono: (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three councillors): Laura Ryan for Mayor; Elaine Capes and Ken McGhee for Deputy Mayor, and Richard W. Clarke, Ralph Manktelow, Sharon Martin, Bob McCrea, Fred Nix, Corinne Pollard and Karen Rosenbrock for Council.
Grand Valley (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three councillors): Denis Houle (Houley), John K. Oosterhof and Steve Soloman for Mayor; John Gansekoele, Brian MacNamara and Rick Taylor for Deputy Mayor; Tracy Clarkson, John Ince, Earl Lyons, Phillip Rentsch, Myrna Roberts, Elizabeth Taylor and Gary Allan Whitworth for Council.
Amaranth (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three councillors) Don MacIver and Walter Kolodziechuk for Mayor; Jane Aultman for Deputy Mayor; Heather Foster, Chris Gerrits, Joe Lanzino, Gail Little, David Martin and Percy Way for Council.
East Garafraxa (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three councillors): Guy Gardhouse for Mayor; John Stirk for Deputy Mayor; Lenora Banfield, Steve Cavell, Michael Johnson, Tom Nevills and Fran Pinkney for Council.
Melancthon (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three councillors): David Thwaites and Darren White for Mayor; Janice Elliott for Deputy Mayor; Alex Banks, Dave Besley, Wayne Hannon, Barton Malloy, Michael Swidersky and James Webster for Council.
Mulmur (Mayor, Deputy Mayor and three councillors): Paul Mills for Mayor; Heather Hayes for Deputy Mayor; Earl Hawkins, Lynn Hilchey, Janet M. Horner and Keith J. Lowry for Council.
All-candidates meetings have been scheduled in all eight municipalities, as follows:
Monday, September 22 at the Amaranth town hall, 374028 Sixth Line, for Amaranth Council;
Wednesday., September 24, at the Monora Pavilion, 633220 Highway 10, for Mono Council;
Thursday, September 25, at the Mulmur town hall, 758070 Second Line East, for Mulmiur Council;
Monday, September 29, at the Horning’s Mills Community Centre, for Melancthon Council;
Tuesday, September 30, at the Grand Valley Community Centre, for Grand Valley Council’
Wednesday, October 1, at Orangeville District Secondary School, for Orangeville Council;
Monday, October 6, at Marsville Community Hall, for East Garafraxa Council, and
Wednesday, October 8, at Grace Tipling Hall, for Shelburne Council.
For further information about the upcoming all-candidates debates in Dufferin County, contact info@gdacc.ca
School boards
There is a competition for the right to succeed Bob Borden as Orangeville’s long-serving representative on the Upper Grand District School Board, nominations having been filed by newcomers Barbara White and Anita Wright. But Lynn Topping was unopposed in her bid to continue as the trustee representing Shelburne, Amaranth. Grand Valley, Melancthon, Mulmur and Mono, and Kathryn Cooper is the lone candidate for Guelph/Eramosa, the Town of Erin and East Garafraxa Township.
Meanwhile, there is a three-way race for the single Dufferin-Caledon trustee’s seat on the Dufferin-Peel Catholic District School board, with all the candidates hailing from Bolton. They are incumbent Frank Di Cosola and challengers Krystina De Rose and Tony Meglio.
There are also races for French Public (Conseil Scolaire) trustee between Guy Belcourt and Eric Lapointe, and a three-way battle for French Catholic (Conseil Scolaire de district catholique centre-sud) trustee – Blaise Liaki, Genevieve Grenier and Tammy Kribbs.