June 22, 2023 · 0 Comments
Beginning July 1, 2023, Dufferin County’s residential recycling program will be managed by Circular Materials, a not-for-profit producer responsibility organization committed to building efficient and effective recycling systems in Ontario and across Canada.
This transition will result in no change to the materials that can be recycled or the collection calendar.
Blue Box replacements are available from Dufferin Waste until June 30, 2023.
Beginning July 1, residential recycling inquiries should be directed to GFL. For any new or replacement Blue Boxes, please call GFL at 1.888.941.3345 ext. 1.
This change does not affect all other waste streams such as garbage, Green Bin organics, yard waste and bulky items collections, in addition to industrial/commercial recycling provided through Dufferin Waste. Please continue to contact Dufferin Waste with any inquiries.
Green Bins and kitchen containers will continue to be available from Dufferin Waste. If you need a replacement bin or kitchen container or would like to begin Green Bin collection, call Dufferin Waste at 519.941.2816 ext. 2620 or email dufferinwaste@dufferincounty.ca.