July 19, 2019 · 0 Comments
By Paula Brown
Danielle Jenkins, already crowned Miss Dufferin County, is preparing for the national stage, set to compete in less than a week at the Miss World Canada pageant.
“I know I can do the public speaking and I know that I have a great platform, program, initiatives, and community involvement,” said Ms. Jenkins on being asked what she is focusing on before the pageant. “It’s the typically beauty pageant stuff that is in the back of my head.”
Ms. Jenkins, who has never done a pageant, will compete in the week-long event held in Toronto from July 21 to July 27. Miss World Canada is a national beauty pageant that has been held since 1957 and sees the crowned winner go on to represent Canada on the global stage at Miss World.
Alongside the beauty components of the pageant Miss World Canada also focuses on non-external beauty.
“What I really like about Miss World, is it’s not just about your looks,” said Ms. Jenkins. “They actually care about what you’re doing for the world.”
Ms. Jenkins will admit that she’s not really a “pageant person”, but became involved in the event when a cousin competing for Miss England convinced her to apply. With the dates for application closing Ms. Jenkins sent in her application and by early May was crowned Miss Dufferin County.
“I kind of remember standing there like ‘Oh my God I didn’t actually think I was going to win, now what,’” she said.
Neon pink and purple lighting, glitter, and wide smiles seen in photos of the previous year’s competition on the Miss World Canada website depict a stereotypical pageant. Early in the week of the pageant the contestants are interviewed, a make or break personality moment, and then it goes to the more known parts – the swimsuit and evening gown rounds. But apart from the stereotypes of pageants, Miss World Canada contestants are also judged on their involvement in community outreach and charity.
“My biggest thing with Miss World, I knew the potential that could come,” said Ms. Jenkins. “Their goal is to help you make a difference in the world and that was a big thing for me.”
Ms. Jenkins is the owner and president of the cleaning company Domestic Divas Cleaning Co., and also has her own non-profit organization Jenkins Foundation.
The foundation holds events that include golf tournaments, and dinners to raise funds for local initiatives. Most recently the Jenkins Foundation hosted a gala fundraiser at the Adamo Winery for the Children’s Wish Foundation, the charity of choice for Miss World Canada.
Inspiration, potential and opportunity have been large feature points for Ms. Jenkins through her involvement in the pageant. She also speaks of circumstances easily listing off a few she says could have stopped her.
“Circumstances shouldn’t stop you, they should just make you get to where you want to go,” said Ms. Jenkins. “Take them and turn them into something positive instead of letting them dwell on you.”
While the pageant is a competition and Ms. Jenkins is prepping for the week of interviews, makeup, hair and photos she is also speaking highly of keeping it fun.
“I’m going to have fun with it see what I can learn,” said Ms. Jenkins.
The winner of Miss World Canada will be crowned on July 27 at the Grand Finale. The winner will go on the represent Canada at the Miss World pageant in London, UK at the end of the year.