
Dufferin County approves first Equity Strategic Plan

September 28, 2023   ·   0 Comments

By Paula Brown 

Dufferin County Council has officially approved the County’s first-ever Equity Strategic Plan. 

“Dufferin County is privileged to have a diverse staff of all ages, races, genders, sexualities, abilities, faiths and backgrounds, and we know that this diversity has given us access to a wealth of experiences and perspective that have allowed us to serve our community for decades,” said Dufferin County Warden Wade Mills.

“We are proud to be embarking on a journey to become a more equity-informed organization, and by advancing the Equity Strategic Plan areas of focus, we will create an organization where every employee, especially those from communities that have experienced marginalization, is given the opportunities, resources, and support that they deserve,” he continued. 

The Equity Strategic Plan looks to develop solutions to the current systemic challenges, workplace experiences, and emerging opportunities for County employees. The plan was developed based on the findings of an equity audit that was completed at the County in November of 2022. 

The overall goal of the plan is to have the County be an anti-colonial, anti-racist and anti-oppressive workplace with a focus on dismantling all forms of systemic oppression derived from white supremacy, including anti-Black and anti-Indigenous racism, sexism, ableism, transphobia and homophobia. 

The Equity Strategic Plan consists of four areas of focus to be completed across a four-year timeline. 

The four areas of focus include increasing feelings of trust, belonging and wellness at the County of Dufferin for marginalized and racialized groups; ensuring marginalized groups have equitable access to career growth and management positions; greater level of accountability and transparency in cases of harassment and discrimination; and individual accountability for equity, diversity and inclusivity change. 

Each of the areas of focus has corresponding strategies and tactical actions for the County to achieve each goal. 

The Equity Strategic Plan is a part of the County of Dufferin’s overall 2023-2026 Strategic Plan, finalized in June and highlighted ‘equity’ as a key priority area to address in its programs, services, and resources. 

An equity assessment will be completed every four years to measure the County’s success in implementing the equity strategic plan’s areas of focus and vision. 

Residents can read the complete Equity Strategic Plan on the County’s website –

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