February 8, 2024 · 0 Comments
By Constance Scrafield
Everyone is invited to attend the Valentine’s Tea event by the Greenbelt Promise Team at the Community Hall in Hockley Village this Saturday, Feb. 10 from 2 p.m. through to 4 p.m. The invitation is free, a great treat with catering by Lavender Blue and Nicholas Mustapha on deck to provide music.
There are a number of reasons for this invitation, to celebrate and inform attendees about some of the issues around the Greenbelt, the recent victory against the Ford government’s development plans but to discuss the risks Ford still presents.
Mike Balkwill from the Small Change Fund brings the message that projects exist to protect the environment with comedians bringing an ironic touch of humour to call out those working against it.
Sharon Sommerville, the organizer of the Valentine’s event, told the Citizen about a big event with the Greenbelt Promise in Barrie, sponsored by Margaret Atwood who warns, “You have to keep your beady little eyes on them.”
There will be a Valentine’s craft table at the tea party to make valentines for others but also for Sylvia Jones. All those valentines will be delivered to her Orangeville office to remind her that we care about the environment and her approach to it within the Ford government.
“People are coming from Forks of the Credit,” Ms. Sommerville told us, “Also from Adjala on the same issues. We’re asking the question, ‘How responsible are we as guardians to the environment?’”
Mike Balkwill is the senior campaign manager of the www.smallchangefund.ca which funds community efforts to organize projects to support initiatives.
“We want people to know that the fight’s not over. We must continue as we did with the Greenbelt development, making Ford back off,” Ms. Sommerville said.
“Really it’s about bringing people together to recognize the strength in community.”
The Dufferin–Caledon Greenbelt Promise Team’s Valentine’s Tea, will be held at the Community Hall in Hockley Village (994174 Mono Adjala Townline, Mono,) this Saturday, Feb. 10 from 2 to 4 p.m.