
Digital Hawaiian pizza

March 14, 2024   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

Who doesn’t like pizza?

It’s round, easily transported, and has the distinction of being probably the only hand-held food shaped like a triangle when you slice it.

It’s also one of the very few foods where you can mix and match ingredients at your pleasure. You can go with the standard pepperoni, cheese and tomato sauce or add olives, mushrooms, green peppers, bacon, tomato, and Italian sausage, as you like it.

For the real adventurous, you can ask for anchovies. However, other than myself, I’ve never seen anyone else ever order anchovies on a pizza.

There is also the great debate about whether pineapple is an acceptable topping. Some purists claim pineapple on pizza is an abomination.

However, I like it and routinely order Hawaiian pizza with bacon.

If you need to feed a group of people, there’s no need to spend considerable time in the kitchen. Just order pizza and everyone will be happy and well fed.

It’s also one of the few foods that is just as good the next day when you bring out the leftovers from the refrigerator.

While your local pizzeria makes pizzas to order, there is a huge industry that makes frozen pizzas that are available in any grocery store.

I watched a ‘how it is made’ type of video that showed how frozen pizzas are made in a factory setting.

It wasn’t a whole slew of pizza makers kneading dough and throwing on toppings. The entire process from start to finish was automated.

No one touched the pizzas. Everything from the dough being flattened and shaped, to the spreading of cheese and adding toppings was done by some kind of machine.

The fact that you can buy a frozen pizza that was made with mass production techniques and not even touched by human hands, is a direct result of the Industrial Revolution that began around 250 years ago.

It was an age that saw an unprecedented leap forward in human civilization and changed the world dramatically.

The invention of new machines to do the work for you changed the way industry was conducted, and a new age of history began.

Not only were new methods of production being put into use, allowing for more products to be made, but the effect it had on the general population was to raise the standard of living. That was followed by a massive growth in population.

Historians consider the Industrial Revolution to be the most important event in human history since the domestication of animals and plants.

Prior to this period in history, you would pretty much live your entire life, and not see a single change in the way things were done. If there were any advances in technology, they were so slow to appear, and most people would never see them at all. You would spend your entire life doing the same repetitive things and no one would ever come to your village to show you a new invention to make your life easier.

This age of enlightenment got an added boost with the first workable steam engines.

Every time an advancement was made, it caused a positive ripple effect. With more production, there was a requirement for more raw materials. Materials had to get there, so ports to take in ships would get busier as well. So did mining operations.

People started making money and living better than ever before.

Once things got underway, it inspired other inventors to look for alternate ways of doing things that matched the progress of other industries.

There are few times in history that have had such an impact on the world. I think we may now be living in an age that will go down in history as super important.

The digital age has transformed our world in such ways that only a few years ago would have been considered science fiction.

Digital technology has impacted everything from communications to military weapons. It has changed everything from music and the arts to children’s entertainment and automobiles.

Digital technology has changed the way we work and live, and it is still relatively new. Who knows what else it may change in the future?

Years from now, I think the introduction of the digital age will be in the history books as one of the most important advances of all time.

But there’s still no better way to make a pizza, than to put it in the oven by hand.

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