June 25, 2014 · 0 Comments
Poll-by-poll unofficial election results released by Elections Ontario last week showed Dufferin-Caledon voters as having widely divergent sympathies, depending on where they live. Although the riding wound up Tory Blue by a wide margin, at its north end concern over aggregates had most electors voting Green, while in south Caledon most of the polls turned Liberal Red.
Sylvia Jones easily retained her seat in the Legislature for the Progressive Conservatives with her 18,017 votes representing about 40 per cent of the total count, but Green candidate Karren Wallace won more polls in Melancthon and Mulmur townships and Liberal Bobbie Daid did likewise in Bolton.
Examination of the unofficial tally showed that Ms. Wallace won six of the nine polls in Melancthon and Mulmur townships, with Ms. Jones winning only three polls at Mansfield.
In Shelburne, Ms. Jones won in nine of the 16 polls, with the other seven going Green.
There was no such close race in Grand Valley or anywhere in the rest of rural Dufferin, Ms. Jones taking all five Grand Valley polls, as well as the three each in Amaranth and East Garafraxa.
As expected, PC support was almost as strong in Orangeville, where Ms. Jones took 50 of the 55 polls, Liberal Bobbie Daid capturing four and one – poll 90 at the Orangeville and District Seniors Centre – produced two dead heats, with 74 votes for each of the Liberals and Conservatives and another tie for third place, at 26 votes, for Ms. Wallace and NDP candidate Rehya Yazbek.
Although Ms. Jones won all or most of the polls in north Caledon, the Liberal vote was strong just about everywhere in the south end of the town.
In Bolton, Ms. Daid was shown as the victor in 30 of the 42 polls, while Ms. Jones captured 11, and of the 13 residents of the King Nursing Home who voted, five each voted Liberal and PC while two of the other three were for Ms. Yazbek and one for Ms. Wallace.
In percentage terms, Ms. Daid was noticeably out in front in Bolton, with a little more than 41 per cent of the vote, to 34 per cent for Ms. Jones. There was some thought that Ms. Wallace would have strength in Bolton from foes of a massive Canadian Tire development currently under construction in the village’s industrial area. But in fact, she took a little less than nine per cent of the vote, compared to almost 13 per cent for Ms. Yazbek.
As for the rest of Caledon, things were almost the opposite. Ms. Jones was solidly ahead with 42 per cent of the vote to 32 per cent for Ms. Daid. And the Green machine of Ms. Wallace bested Ms. Yazbek by only about two percentage points (12.7 to 10.8).
The results for the 221 polls can be viewd on the Elections Ontario website.