January 28, 2019 · 0 Comments
The Orangeville Police Service says counterfeit Canadian $100 bills are being reported at various locations in the community.
Police have received seven reports of the use of counterfeit $100 bills in the past month. Purchases using the counterfeit currency were made at various retail businesses throughout Orangeville. Additionally, one counterfeit American $100 bill was reported and two counterfeit $20 bills were reported in the past two weeks.
Police remind merchants to be vigilant when receiving $100 bills, especially for small purchases.
Anyone having information with regards to these incidents is encouraged to call the Orangeville Police Service at 519-941-2522 or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-TIPS (8477) or online at www.crimestopperssdm.com.
For further information regarding counterfeit currency detection contact the Orangeville Police Community Services Unit at 519-941-2522 extension 2221. Information can also be found online at: www.bankofcanada.ca/banknotes/counterfeit-prevention