January 20, 2016 · 0 Comments
The building located at 10 Centennial Road could be getting an upgrade to solar panelling if an application under the FIT program is approved by the Government. At Monday night’s Orangeville Council Meeting, Abundant Solar Energy Inc made a presentation to Council, asking them to re-confirm their support for the application.
According to the group, and confirmed by the Town Clerk, a motion to support the proposal was passed by Orangeville Council in November of 2013, but it was under a blanket motion, which would mean individual projects do not require confirmed support. Under this term of Council, however, a motion was passed to do-away with blanket proposals, so that each project would be required to make a presentation.
The FIT program, which was developed by the government, is used to encourage people to look to alternative sources of energy, such as wind and solar. Abundant Solar, who is in the process of filing through their IESO application for the project, approached Council to confirm their support as required by the IESO.
“Because our initial request for support was approved under a blanket motion, we are required to come back and get approval for this specific project,” explained Ralph Hitchcock, Development Manager. “It’s part of a procedural point in the process of a FIT solar project.”
The company, Abundant Solar Energy Inc is a Canadian-owned company that boasts more than eight years of experience in the Ontario solar industry, as well as international exposure in Europe, Asia and the Americas. According to their website, they have developed close to 200 rooftop systems, equalling more than 40 MW in Ontario.
If the project in Orangeville moves forward, Abundant Solar basically rents the rooftop of the building at 10 Centennial, paying rental fees to the owner of the building. The application, according to Mr. Hitchcock, is being sought between both the owner of the building and their company.
Councillor Campbell moved that Council support the project and allow Abundant Solar Energy Inc. to move forward with the process. The motion was passed with all but Councillors Don Kidd and Scott Wilson voting in favour.