
Council approves money for facility needs assessment

June 8, 2023   ·   0 Comments


Orangeville council will dip into its general capital reserves to undertake a recreation facility needs assessment.

Council decided during its regular meeting on June 5 to spend $60,000 on a facility needs assessment study of the Tony Rose and Alder Street arenas and the public library branch at the Alder Street arena.

The goal of the project is to research, develop, design and produce in a fiscally responsible manner a recreation facility feasibility study. The resulting study will align with the recommendations set out in the 2020 Orangeville Recreation and Parks Master Plan.

During the 2023 operating and capital budget process in January, council committed $100,000 from library reserves to the study. But the library board hadn’t approved the funding.

In April, the Orangeville Public Library approved one-third of the study’s cost in April to a maximum of $75,000 from library reserves. Council approved that on May 15.

“Due to the nature of the project, which includes an in-depth analysis of three amenities, staff recommends that the cost be divided equally (a third from each of the Library, Tony Rose and Alder),” staff wrote in a report to council.

“It is estimated that the study will cost $180,000. Therefore, an additional $60,000 is required to conduct this study.”

Council has approved $60,000, committing a total of $120,000 for the study. Council voted unanimously to commit the remaining $60,000 from the general capital reserve.

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