
Community Spotlight: Judy Martene wants to bring the Kindness AEffect to town

July 20, 2018   ·   0 Comments

By Constance Scrafield

A very long road has brought Judy Martene to her present day, her present level of understanding the strength of the body and mind, how to awaken both and facilitate the body’s power to heal itself. It has been a lot to learn and taken many bumps on the road.

When she was only 11 months old, her father died. Eight years later, her mother re-married and Judy encountered a father figure and his family with little regard for her; who bullied and abused her.

She had heart surgery at 11 years old. From that traumatic time through her teens, she had children, married at 16 to a young man who left her when she was three months pregnant; learned to deal with life by selling for Avon. Peaks and bottoms, like a huge game of life, doing extremely well and bottoming out.

She worked at several different jobs, all of them enlightening and began, at 21, being involved with charitable organizations, to the point of co-founding one of them. 

In her mid twenties, she was a top representative with an MLM (multi-level marketing) company, winning trips and cars; went on to open one shop and then a second one for her cosmetics business until she became pregnant with twins.

Fallen again, she and her five children sunk so deeply into poverty that the local church helped to support her.

It was women’s shelters that drew her attention primarily. She had learned their value from seeking their protection, twice, with her then five children, fleeing from the abuse of her second husband.

The women’s shelter, Survival through Friendship House, saw her rise again as the fundraising chairperson and on the Board of Directors.

In Seaforth, she opened two stores, selling “new innovative therapy to help people with physical ailments…” She joined the local BIA and received an Interior Design Diploma at business college.

Moving to Orangeville, Ms. Martene has been integral in the business community, as Chair of the Dufferin Area Chamber of Commerce Women in Business for two years; she was Chair for of the Board of Directors for Choices Youth Shelter, working with the legal and social services.

A catastrophic car accident left her third husband of 17 years of marriage brain-damaged and her responsible for his care.

She became a Master Coach to the Diamond Leadership Team out of Florida but was prevented from moving to Florida to “hold events and Coach Diamond Leadership Team.”

Re-assessing once more, she is here,with projects and plans.

Next up: a conversation with Judy Martene.

“I was involved with a nutritional MLM business, selling supplements. My mom was public health nurse, a psychiatric nurse, so, I had a holistic approach to life,” she said. “I would heal my family of everything with herbs and supplements. I believe the body has the ability to heal itself.”

She continued, “One day, I had a revelation: the energy that created everything is put in me. The universal laws have been hidden from us.”

To clarify, she explained: “This is an attraction based universe. “What you think and believe can come to you, the universe delivers.”

Furthermore: “As I was beginning to understand everything we do is based on a belief and our entire belief system is based on what we are brain washed to believe.”

Ms. Martene related, “I have clients all over the world and I change their lives to remembering who they are at the spiritual level. They say, ‘I knew there was something more than that to my life.’ I help them remember why they ‘re here. They didn’t come to be mortgaged – that’s a lie.

“I get to see these people who wake up, saying: ‘I’ve had this epiphany.’ Relationships – not happy – what is going on? I come in with no program, completely open to my client’s program. I talk to them and see where we go. And, then, I see a shift.”

She said, “I empower them.”

A pause for reflection. Then, “Transformational  change has to come within you. I am now running a three- month program talking on the telephone. It’s a matter of how to go through believing into knowing. The ‘how’ is the universe’s job.

“I’ve learned over the years, to know things always work out for me.”

Moving into an related subject in the road of healing, “..doing an affirmation of learning to love your body – as you let go of how society sees you and learn to love yourself – that’s affirmation.”

Since “food is medicine,” she teaches “eating intuitively.”

“What do you want to be – healthy or sick? I tell clients, ‘Go through your pantries and get rid most of the food’ and teach them how to shop. 99% of every disease is emotional: you can’t help anyone unless they ask.”

Her ambition? “My main mission is to help people wake up- deal with their fears of letting go their bad habits, bad lives….”

She decided there needed to be a “good news” TV show. Consequently, she started a daytime talk show – “kindness has something to it. There is the World Kindness from Australia – showing Kindness Cities. We don’t have anybody heading this up in Canada.”

So, she created a documentary series called the Kindness AEffect, and this is the second season for it.  Her talk show of the same name occurs once a month, with people from the area discussing with her what kindness means to them and how they experience it.

“What happens when people wake up to realize everything they’ve been taught is a lie: it provides a crisis. There is a ruling class that uses fear and chemicals in the food, in our air and water.

“In order to do what we want, we have to see what it is we do want.”

She offered the notion: “The Kindness AEffect is the back door.”

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