
Community Cleanup Day a ‘huge success’ for local Rotary club

September 25, 2020   ·   0 Comments

By Brian Lockhart

With all the awareness there is out there about the environment in today’s day and age, you would think that using a recycling bin or trash container would be the normal thing to do when you have finished drinking the last drop from your plastic water bottle.

Apparently a lot of people still haven’t got the message.

The ditches, boulevards, and parks in Orangeville and the surrounding area are littered with coffee cups, pop cans, beer cans, and water bottles tossed from cars or just dropped by people who can’t or won’t make the effort to dispose of them properly.

The Rotary Club of Orangeville held a Fall Community Cleanup Day to clear the streets of litter on Saturday, Sept. 19.

Volunteers armed with plastic garbage bags selected a street or park in town and picked up all the refuse that has been dropped over the summer.

“This is our Let’s Make Orangeville Shine event, but it’s the Fall Community Cleanup Day version,” explained Sheri Moyer, Rotary Club member and chair of the event. “We usually have the Shine event in the spring and this is our 30th year. We usually have people come at eight in the morning and register and they choose an area of town to clean up and they come back at noon and we have a lunch for them. That’s how it’s normally held, but we couldn’t hold it this year because of the COVID situation.”

She added, “The Town contacted us about possibly holding a fall event. People registered on-line and they chose their own area of town to clean and what time to do it. We provided clean-up kits as well as instructions for what to do for the event.”

Thirty people registered for the event, with several others showing up on the day to offer a helping hand. 

After filling their bags with litter, the volunteers brought them to Rotary Park where a large dumpster was available to take it all away.

Volunteers chose the area that they wanted to clean up.

“There are people who live in town that don’t want their local park looking the way it is, and they want to clean up that area,” Sheri said.

By early afternoon, the town was looking a lot cleaner thanks to the efforts of the volunteers who spent several hours picking up the mess that others had left behind.

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