June 21, 2018 · 0 Comments
MILL STREET will be the scene Saturday of a unique inaugural event, “Celebrate Your Awesome.”
The brainchild of community members Jim Waddington and Lisa Post, it will be the first celebration of Pride and diversity to be held in Dufferin County.
Ms. Post, who happens to be in the race for a seat on Orangeville Council, says she can hardly believe the big weekend was finally upon us, advising the Citizen that they started meeting last September and things have just snowballed since then.
“This is something we believe is so important for Orangeville and Dufferin County. The dynamics of our community have changed, so we want to make sure we’re doing something that is inclusive of everybody regardless of race, sexual orientation or culture. We want to create a fun environment and a safe place where people can feel comfortable in their own skin.”
Strikes us as certainly a good reason to celebrate, particularly in an era when such events would be banned in some parts of the world.