April 23, 2018 · 0 Comments
By Jasen Obermeyer
Cardboard Castles Children’s Emporium, located at 61 Broadway, is a small store that provides a big imagination, and shares that imagination with children, providing toys that give both fun and learning play.
The first store opened in Creemore 12 years ago; while Orangeville’s store was launched in June two years ago by founder and owner Laurie Copeland. She worked in retail when she was younger, and after having a daughter, she saw that there was a “shortage for resources for children, in terms of getting back to the basics of play.”
She says she expanded to Orangeville because part of her childhood was spent living in the town, “so it was like coming home to me,” and noticed that for a lot of years, “there was nothing there for kids, specifically.”
Ms. Copeland explained that many of her toys are simple, wooden ones, and ones that are more about quality, toys that encourage outdoor play, exploration, and cooperative play, and even board games.
“I really wanted to move away from all the plastic, and all of the license product that was being produced, and bring something into the market place that was new, but was old.”
She said what makes her stores unique is how the toys bring out fun and education. “Anything that sparks their imagination. Children learn through play.”
She recalled how, growing up, she played a lot outside. “I can remember playing in amongst the leaves and trees, making mud pies, and exploring fields and barn yards.”
Ms. Copeland described toys today as more specific, give directive play, while she encourages toys that offer a multiple range for play.
Asked on her thoughts of technological play, she said tablets and phones are a product of today’s generation. “No type of play is bad play. Children learn through play.”
She did advise that children need the ability to play with a wide range of toys, but parents need to encourage a balance amongst those toys. “It expands their intelligence, it expands their emotions, children are insightful, and they are bright. They will pick up and learn anything you give them, and if you only offer them one type of play, you’re limiting them.”
Ms. Copeland added that children are different than when she was a kid, but in a positive way. “You really have to appreciate that children need variety.”
She said she always enjoys doing what she does. “I love the challenges of it, I love watching children learn, and play, and explore, so that never gets boring to me, and I never have the same day twice.”