April 11, 2024 · 1 Comments
To the Editor,
In your March 28th edition of the Citizen, our MP Kyle Seeback bought that half page flap with our money to promote anger about the Carbon tax. He is full of vitriol about the increased tax of April 1st and how much Canadians are going to spend over the next year. Yes, we will pay more at the pumps and for heating, but if you do a bit of due diligence, you can come out ahead. I am getting more in rebates than I spend on the tax.
Those people with several cars, oversize houses, snowmobiles, skimobiles, lawn tractors, etc. will pay more than they get in rebates. So, simply cut back and stop complaining. The fact is that the experts (those that actually know about things, as compared to fear mongering politicians) say we have reduced our emissions and that a carbon tax is the cheapest way to continue to do so. Industries have reduced their carbon footprint by several percent. I have not heard one conservative politician suggest a better way of reducing emissions. If you think the climate is changing for the worse, start thinking with your head instead of your wallet. If you deny climate change, get your head out of the sand. I am not a fan of Trudeau because of his foot dragging and obfuscation, but I am in favour of the carbon tax.
Hugh Molesworth
Orangeville, ON
Very true. Thanks Hugh. There is so much propaganda in politics these days. Money is the great distractor of the climate emergency. The warning signs are all around us. We will regret doing almost nothing in the near future. Terry.