
Carbon tax not ‘fighting climate change’

November 30, 2018   ·   0 Comments

Re column The Resistance (Citizen, November 22 issue):

The column should be an object lesson on why people in glass houses should not throw stones. Reading it, I was struck by the number of times Conservative politicians were characterized as “liars’’, simply because they did not agree with the writer of the column.

The facts are that there are seven countries in the world who account for over 70 per cent of manmade CO2 emissions. Canada is not one of these seven. Worse, the annual rate of increase of just one of these countries is so high that any reductions in Canadian emissions would be offset within two to three years.

Put simply, even if Canada were to reduce our carbon emissions to zero, that amount of emissions would be replaced by other countries in short order and there would be no meaningful reduction in atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

Under no stretch of the imagination can a carbon tax designed to reduce Canadian carbon emissions be considered to be “fighting climate change’’.

The discussion of per capita carbon emissions is simply an attempt to mislead Canadians about the effect of our carbon emissions in order to justify a carbon tax. So who is the real “liar’’ here?

Kian McCaldon

Orangeville resident

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