July 23, 2014 · 0 Comments
By Tabitha Wells – The cure for cancer is something that has been sought for many years, and as technology, funding and knowledge from research continues to increase, so does the chance that we might see that cure sooner rather than later.
“I think we have all been impacted by cancer in some way in our lives,” said Lisa Post, founder of the QUEST Music Fest fundraiser for cancer research. “I want to find the cure for cancer within my lifetime, and I want it to be something that my kids don’t have to worry about in theirs.”
A report released by The Canadian Cancer Society, it is estimated that in 2014 alone, 97,700 men will be diagnosed with cancer, 40,000 men will die from cancer, 93,600 women will be diagnosed with cancer and 36,600 women will die from cancer. On average, 524 Canadians will be diagnosed daily, with 210 dying daily.
The Canadian Cancer Society also estimates that two out of every five Canadians will develop cancer in their lifetimes. This means that it’s likely that every person in Canada will either be affected directly, or witness someone they know and care about suffer from cancer.
It’s for that reason that Lisa Post decided to start hosting fundraisers for the Princess Margaret Foundation several years ago. What started as a band night at a local bar has now transformed into a full-fledged, day-long concert and event, to help raise awareness and increase the chance of finding a cure.
“My husband has been doing the Ride to Conquer Cancer for a few years, and that kind of kicked off us wanting to do more,” said Ms. Post. “The Princess Margaret Foundation is such an amazing charity and the things they do in our community and other communities is incredible.”
That’s where QUEST MusicFest came into play. It is a free to attend event filled with raffles, food, music and more. The prizes, time from the bands and food have been donated to help with the event, meaning 100 percent of the proceeds will go to the Princess Margaret Foundation, rather than to offset costs.
“This summer I thought it would be great to do something outdoors that could involve the whole community and geared towards families,” explained Ms. Post. “All the other ones that I have done have been geared towards adult crowds.”
Activities will include an Orangeville’s Got Talent kid’s show, a special guest appearance by Frozen’s Queen Elsa, BBQ, face painting, raffles, silent auction and more. Performing that day will be Yer Shenanigans, Camp Fire Poets, the Switchbacks and a special performance with Keilagh Healey.
“It’s an all-day event that is very much geared toward families,” said Ms. Post. “When we put this together, we wanted to make sure that it was an event for community families to take part in.”
Ms. Post is currently accepting entries for the talent show, which is designed for kids 16 and under, and costs $10 per entry.
When she approached the Town for help with the fundraiser, it didn’t take much to gain support not just from not just Council, but from different local businesses as well.
“The Town has been really supportive with me in all of this, they donated use of the park, amongst other things, and Councillor Jeremy Williams has played an integral role in making sure everything that needs to be in place is in place,” she said. “Sobey’s also came on board, the bands have donated their time and Geoff Canlett from Broadway Musical has donated all the sound equipment.”
She added that the support from the community so far has been incredible, and she’s looking forward to having anyone else on board who wants to participate.
“The cure for cancer is within our reach, and if we can all help out and get on board and do our duty for it, then it will definitely be within reach,” said Ms. Post. “We’ve all been touched by cancer in some way, shape or form, and if we all do our part then we can find that solution.”
Cancer treatment and research is heading in the right direction, as the number of survivors has been increasing over the years. Between 1992-1994 and 2006-2008, the survival rate increased from only 56 percent to 63 percent, indicating that something is working.
Ms. Post is hoping that through QUEST MusicFest they can raise at least $10,000 for its inaugural year. The event will run from 11 a.m. until 6 p.m. on Sunday, August 10th. Admission is free.
“It’s going to be a really fun day for everyone who comes out,” said Ms. Post. “Let’s have a great time, open our pockets and support a great cause.”
Anyone interested in donating (monetary or items for the raffle and grand prize), looking for more information or wanting to help can contact Lisa Post at mrsposty@outlook.com