
Canadian authors to visit BookLore Saturday

April 29, 2015   ·   0 Comments

Canadian Authors will be coming together across the country to show their support for independent book stores Canada-wide.

This Saturday, “Authors for Indies” will see writers stepping behind the counter to volunteer at book stores, greet customers, make book recommendations and highlight the importance of providing support to independent book stores in Canada.

Locally, BookLore will be opening their doors for the event, welcoming authors such as Robert Rotenburg, Maria Coletta McLean, Barbara Kyle and Nicola Ross to the shop.

“Having 600 Canadian authors working in over 120 bookstores as guest booksellers warms my heart,” said Nancy Frater, owner of BookLore. “[Authors] are aware of all the challenges in bookselling today, and they clearly support and love their indies by giving back. They just get it. They know that we provide a curated selection, discover new authors and champion local authors, but what’s most important to them is the sense of community, the sense of connection that is the local bookstore.”

When Ms. Frater first approached the authors, they were all immediately on board, with Robert Rotenberg sharing that he had always wanted to work in a book store, and Barbara Kyle committing to ‘be there with whistles on.’

“I know all four are in agreement with acclaimed Canadian author, Anne Marie MacDonald, who said that ‘our neighbourhoods would be much diminished without our local bookstores’,” said Ms. Frater.

The event was inspired by a campaign called Indies First, in the U.S., which saw a high level of success after its launch. Authors for Indies began shortly thereafter as a B.C.-based inititative, and has now spread across Canada, spanning 600 authors and 120 independent bookstores. The event is held on the same day, nationwide.

“What a great day when readers chat with authors, book lover to book lover,” said BookLore manager Brenda Juno.

The four authors who will be present at BookLore’s event on Saturday come from different genres, and are ready to help inspire local readers to find new, interesting works. Robert Rotenburg, who is primed for helping out mystery lovers, and Maria Coletta McLain, who is excited to recommend some of her favourite books, will be at the event from 12:30 to 1:30. Environmental Guru, Nicola Ross, and former resident/historical and suspense writer Barbara Kyle will be present from 1 to 2 p.m.

“Readers, authors and booksellers form the grand triumvirate in my life,” said Nancy Frater. “We all need each other, we are all booklovers.”

The full Authors for Indies event will run at BookLore from 12:30 to 2 p.m., and is promised to feature general merriment, treats, draws and prizes.

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