Police News

Busy holiday season for Orangeville police

January 5, 2017   ·   0 Comments

Your Orangeville Police Service had a busy month of December with motor vehicle collisions, thefts and domestic related calls topping the list.

From December 1st to January 2nd, officers logged more than 1300 incidents. The most common calls for service were motor vehicle collisions with 84 incidents reported. There were 25 theft reports and 24 domestic dispute calls. Police also responded to several calls regarding mental health issues.

The holiday season also saw officers conducting several R.I.D.E. (Reduce Impaired Driving Everywhere) spot-checks at various locations throughout the community. During this initiative officers stopped over 4500 vehicles. A total of 9 roadside breath tests were administered.

General patrol officers also responded to impaired driving incidents. There were 5 people charged with impaired driving offences throughout the month.

“Our officers remain committed to keeping our roads safe and it’s troubling when anyone makes the choice to drive after consuming alcohol or drugs”, said Chief Wayne Kalinski.

The Orangeville Police Service wishes all members of the community a safe, healthy and prosperous 2017.

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