August 3, 2023 · 0 Comments
In September, the Town of Orangeville will be completing road maintenance on the stretch of Broadway that runs through the downtown core. The work includes the repaving from John Street to Wellington Street as well as maintenance hole rebuilding.
During repaving activities, on September 27 and 28, Broadway will be reduced to one lane traffic, but not fully closed, to keep traffic flowing throughout construction; however, travel delays can be anticipated in downtown Orangeville.
Project Overview:
September 13 to September 15 – Maintenance holes between First Street and Wellington will be rebuilt. Traffic flow will be maintained throughout the majority of this work, however some parking will be restricted.
There will be a temporary road closure while work is being completed on the maintenance hole in the westbound lane at Broadway and Second street.
September 26 – All water shut off valves on the road will be raised and prepared for work, with traffic flow maintained through.
September 27 – Asphalt milling will begin on the portion of Broadway between John to First Street. During this portion, two-way traffic will be maintained. The portion between First Street and Wellington will be completed in two separate stages, working on the westbound lanes first, and then the eastbound. Traffic will be impacted as the lanes being milled will need to be closed during work. Milling is expected to be completed that day.
September 28 – Milled sections of Broadway will be paved. Work will be carried out in the same order as the removal the previous day. During this time, one direction of traffic flow will remain open, and only the lanes being currently worked on will be closed.
In consultation with the Orangeville BIA (Downtown Orangeville), road closures will not conflict with Downtown Orangeville events or the International Plowing Match to minimize the impact to local businesses.
More information will be published in the coming weeks – follow the Town of Orangeville on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter or visit to stay updated on the project.