May 12, 2022 · 0 Comments
By Brian Lockhart
If you like the sound of a performance engine revving, the sight of polished chrome accents, mag wheels, and the fins on a 1950’s sedan, you’ll be glad to hear the Blues Cruise is returning this year to the Orangeville Blues and Jazz Festival.
The Blues and Jazz Festival has been on a hiatus for the last couple of years due to the pandemic, but it is returning this June with a full line-up of music and all the festivities that go along with it.
That means the Blues Cruise will be taking place on Friday night with hundreds of custom, classic, and vintage cars on display along Broadway.
“It’s going to happen on Friday, June 3,” explained event organizer, David Murphy. “The official start time is six o’clock, but cars start getting there earlier. The cars will be along Broadway – from Wellington all the way up to First Street, and down Mill Street as well.”
There are plenty of local car owners who bring their vehicles to the event but there are also a lot of out-of-town entries that arrive every year. Some car owners spend a couple of hours on the road to get to Orangeville to put their rides in the show.
“We have a lot of great car collectors around here,” Murphy said. “We’re expecting everything – from European to modern muscle. We will have a lot on the classic side. We’ve had some fantastic stuff in the past. Anyone with a classic car or classic custom car can enter. You enter on the east side of Broadway.”
The Festival means you can see the cars and enjoy some live music at the same time. Some performers will be on Broadway during the car show.
“There’s live music in a historic downtown,” Murphy explained why people like coming to the show. “Everyone loves the car show. The car owners all love it. The show, the live music, and downtown, they all combine together for a good time.
The Orangeville Blues and Jazz Festival is taking place from June 3 to 5, 2022, with the Blues Cruise taking place on the opening Friday evening.