April 15, 2021 · 0 Comments
I have noticed that once 5 o’clock p.m. comes that many of the handicapped parking spots are filled with cars that do not have handicap stickers. These people are obviously not afraid that a bylaw officer or the police will check to see that they are legitimately parked. An evening shift of Bylaw officers seems to be needed or the police need to be notified. You could also call the Town 519-941-0440 ext. 2244. Handicapped or disabled people should have priority.
Recently, a local merchant has decided to set up their curbside pickup in their handicapped spot. It must be that they expect handicapped customers to take turns parking with curbside pickup. I mentioned this to the Town, March 18, 2021 but a week later the curbside pickup is still blocking one of the two handicapped spaces. Then March 25, 2021 I was told the Bylaw officer was checking to see if two handicapped spaces are legal.
I received a letter dated June 17, 2020 stating that the Town had decided to require businesses to have two handicapped parking spaces and had passed a motion to that effect. I am not sure why there was a question in the case of this business.
I noticed with interest that the Town has begun to change the speed limit signs in Town. I can only hope that they make speedy changes to install advanced green lights on Riddell Road. These intersections can be extremely dangerous.
Being disabled or handicapped is difficult enough without adding parking issues.
Keith McKibbon